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DICKENS Charles John Huffani a:c john|k:to (john) (5)



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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffani)


    r—i • DICKENS (Charles John Huffani). I TSmalle± . Collections.) Edwin Drood and 1erinted pieces...With illustrations. (The Crown” Edition.) pp. (8) + 413. 8°. 1891.

    Card ID: 26

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffani)


    c’ DICKENS (Charles John Huffani). (Sketches by Boz.J Sketches by Boz, [i.e. C.Diekens] iUutrative of every—dy life and every—day people. Viith illustrations by G.Cruikshank. pp. xiv. + 577. [D.—L.L.] 8 • London, 1874. Anonymous. Dickens’ name aopears on the binding, which is the original cloth.

    Card ID: 217

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffani)


    Malcolm Morley , Collection DICKENS (Charles John Huffani). [The Village Coquettes.] The Village coquette5: an operatic bu.rletta in two acts. [i 883?) § DICKS (Jobn)a Dicks’ standard plays, 1467.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffani)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffani). [Appendix.] ADRIAN (Arthur a.) Georgina Hogarth and the Dickens circle, ondon, 1957.

    Card ID: 247

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffani)


    YN D53a Cia DICKENS (Charles John Huffani). - See CLAR1C (Cumberland). Charles Dickens and the Yorkshire schools, with his letter to Mrs. Hall. 60. London, privately printed, 1918.

    Card ID: 262