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DICKENS Charles John Huffam a:c thomas|k:c(’c) (50)



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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order: Works. - naller .ColThc tib!aS. Letters. • Single Letters. Speeches. Single Works. Selections. Introductions., Prefaces, etc. Appendix.

    Card ID: 22

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    SljL) DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). •.[Smailer Collections.] The Lazy-tour of two..idle apprentices. o thoroughfare. The eri1s or certain English prisoners. By.C.Dickens and-W.Collins. LReprinted from Household Words aid AU the rear round.] pp. vi. +327. Plates. 80. London, 1890.

    Card ID: 25

  • card

    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    STERLING LIBFAR’( c” REFERENCE ONLY DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Letters.] Dickens to his-oldest friend: the letters of a lifetime from Charles Dickens to Thomas Beard. Edited by W. Dexter. pp. xxiii. + 295. Facsimiles. 8°. London and Nw York, 1932. Edition limited to 5Q0 copies. S.L.C.,I.243.

    Card ID: 34

  • card

    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam )


    ,- DICKENS (Charles John Huffam ). [Letters.I The Love romance of Charles Dickens told in his letters to Maria Beadnell (Mrs. Winter). With introduction and notes by W.Dexter. pp. 125. Portraits and facsimiles. 30• LOndon, 1936.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    (: e STERL!rG LtFAt( RFrCE OLY DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). EBattle of Life.] The Battle of life, etc. [continued.] [Two other copies.] S.L.C., I.242c, 267.

    Card ID: 50

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    STERLING LIBRARY - REFERENCE ONLY DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). CBleak House.) Bleak House...With illustrations by H.IC. Browne. pp. xvi • ÷ 624. 8°. Ionc1on, 1853. The oriiinal 20 parts in 19 bound up in I volume, withhe wrapper an a selection of the advertisements bound in at the end. With a second eng’aved titlepae. S.L.C., 1.273. [Another copy•.] With a second graved titlepape. S.L.C., 1.244 LsE fliXP AiD.]

    Card ID: 51

  • card

    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffam), .[Blealc House.1’ Bleak House. Introduction by O.K. Chesterton0 [With a bibliography.) (Everyman’s Library 236.) pp. xx. ÷ 806. 8°. London and New York 1962. CAnother copy.]

    Card ID: 54

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [ChritiuasBcs.-). Christmas books...lVith illustrations by Sir E. Landseer, Liaclise, Stanfield, F.Stone, Doyle, Leech, and Tenniel. pp. (8) + 465. 8°. London, [186.9].

    Card ID: 67

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    ‘rERu UAR( FEFERENCE Oi4LY DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Christmas Carol.] A Christmas carol, etc. [Continued.] ‘Stave I’ is corrected to ‘Stave One’. und in brown cloth. I.236d. C) e—r —C cc .- ij 0 [Another issue.] pp. (8) + 166. 8°. London, 183 [18’?]. The titlepage is printed in red and blue. ‘Stave I’ is corrected to ‘Stave I’. Bound in red cloth. 1.25?.

    Card ID: 71

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Edwin Drood.] § infra: [Mystery of Edwin Drood.)

    Card ID: 100

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    STERLING LIBRA’( [Ld 2 I5:: REFERENCE ONLY DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Great Expectations.] Great expectations. 3 vols. 8°. London, i86i. iflustred_y the insertiono± a cpioured seat. of F.W. Palithorpe’s 20 etchixgs to Great expectations185) S,L..QtL2.Z2. --

    Card ID: 101

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huffam).[I4fe and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. — Appendix) See ?ADOWS (Joseph IC.) Heads from Nicholas Nickleby, etc. EWoodcuts from drawings by J.K. Meadows.] London, [1839).

    Card ID: 126