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DICKENS Charles John Huff am a:p |k:p (will) (25)



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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    CAdaL DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). The Nonesuch Dickens, c. [Continued.] —• A Note on the format. (By F.Meynell.) PP. 5. [E.D.M.L.] 8o. Bioomsbury [Lpndonj, 197. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 21

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    Yrt DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). ISnialler. CollectIons.] A Tale of two oitdes...Illustrated, etc. C A Christmas oarol and other stories.) pp. 736. 0 B .London, c. 1930.j

    Card ID: 29

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff:am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff:am). [Letters.] The Story of a great friendship: Charles Dickens and Clarkson Stanfield. With an introduction by C. Clark. A few notes on a great friendship, and on seven original unpublished letters contajnd... herein from the author to the artist, 1d45—1855. pp. 31. 0 S . London printed, 1918.

    Card ID: 32

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    STERL!1!G LtSRA!Y’ —C& REFEFENCE ONLY DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Christmas Carol.] A Christmas carol, etc. [Continued.] [Three other copies.] S.I,.O., I.236a, 23Gb, 263. .-] r { [Another issue.] pp. (8) + 166. 8. London, 1844 [1843]. The titlepae is vrinted in red and blue. The error t3tave is uncorrcted. [SiE 1EXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). A Christmas Carol...And almanack for 1890. pp. 128, 8°. London, [1869]. Published by Taylor’s Drug Company, Ltd. The eext is interspersed with advertisements.

    Card ID: 75

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). CDornbey and Son.] Dombey and Son,. etc. COontinued.] The two sets of extra illustrations by H:i:roe, ‘tThe four portraits of Edith, Florence,_ Alice, and little Paul’1 and the 8 ‘tl1—lenh portrait&’ have been inserted. [Another copy.] ED.—L.L.] c’L.j. With a second en,raved tit1epae. Irnperfect wanting the haiftitle. [SEE NECT CARD.]

    Card ID: 93

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    STEFL1iG L1Rt REE1t!CE C!Li DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Haunted Man.] The Haunted man and the ghost’s ba.rain: a fancy for Christmas—time. pp. (8) + 188. Frontispiece and illustrations. 80. London, 1811.8. Jjh a second engraved titlepage. he illustrations are by J.Tenniel, C.Stanuield, F.St6ne: and J.Leech. S.l,.., 1.243. [Two other copies.] S.L.C., I.2V’ [SEE NEXT CARD. I

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    STERLING LIBRARY LJE -_--- g PFFERtJCF O-’LY DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit.] The Life and adventures of Martin Ohuzzlewit... With illustrations by Phiz [i.e. H.K.BrowneJ. pp. xiv. + 624. 80. London, 1844. The orjgnal 20 parts in 19 bound UD in I volume, the wrappers and a few of the advertisements being bound in_at the end. ?Iith a second engraved titlepage, in which the notice on the signpost reads 10Or. S.L.C., 1.262. [SE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 117

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Little Dcrrit.] Little Dorrit, [Continued.) ____— [A reprint.] pp. xiv. + 625. Plates. 8°. London, ‘863. ‘ N -.7 11 E [A reprint.] pp. xiv. + 625. Plates. 8o. London, [ç..i870J.

    Card ID: 132

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John huff am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Master Ruinphre Clock.1 [For editions of “Barnaby Rudge” and “The Old Curiosity Shop” published separately and not as part of “Master fluniphreys Clockit:] supra: (Barnaby Rudge.] and infra: [The Old Gurio5ity Shop.)

    Card ID: 134

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff-am)


    STERLING UBRAY I REFERENCE ONL’t DICKENS (Charles John Huff-am). CIrstery of Edwin Drood.) The Mystery of Edwin Drood...Wibh... illustrations byS.L.Fildes and a portrait. pp. vii. + 190 in 6 parts. 8°. London, 1870. No more published. 0riinal parts in wrappers with advertisements. With a second engraved titlepage. S.LC., I.245. C SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 138

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huff am)


    DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Mystery of Edwin Drood.] The Mystery of Edwin Drood.. .With an intro— duction by M.Innes and the original illustrations of L.Fildes. [With. a bibliography.] pp. 285. 8°. 1950. TTS WORM 13 NOT Thi T LflRAP Any ree wt of a cup f: is kcd to itdorm the lir.

    Card ID: 146