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DICICENS Charles John Huff am be (john) (3)
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DICICENS, Charles John Huff am
Author: DICICENS (Charles John Huff am)
bN DICICENS (Charles John Huff am). q The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Conp1eted in 1914 by W.E.C. [i.e. V.E. Crisp]... New text revised and edited by M.]1.C. Grant. pp. 528. 6. London, [1914].
Card ID: 144
‘ft$ STo DICICENS (Charles John Huff am). [Posthumous Papers of the Plckwick Olub.-Appendix..] See FITZGERALD .Percy Hetherington). Pickwiok riddles and perplexities. London, 1912.
Card ID: 201
STERLING LIBRARY rERTCE ONLY DICICENS (Charles John Huff am). [Christmas Carol.] A Christmas carol, etc. [Continued.] Bound in brown cloth. A presentation inscription is dated: ‘Xmas 1843’. SLC., I.236c. t.:-1: ‘d.- C,C- isJ [Another issue.] pp. (8) + 166. 8°. London, 18Z14• The titlepage is orinted in red and rxeen. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 70