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DEPOSITORY P a:p will|k:p (will) (2)



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    Author: DEPOSITORY ( P)


    DEPOSITORY ( P) 1. ENGLAND. Departments of State nd Official Bodis Royal Coission_o Canls and Rterwas. First (—fourth) report (minutes of evidence, appendices, etc.) of the Royal Commission. appointed to enquire into and to report on the Canals and Inland Navigation of the United Kingdom. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by conijnand of His Majesty. 12 vo].s. in 5. Tables end folded maos and plans. fol. London, 1906—11. 1. 1st report, minutes of evidence. Cd. 3183, 3184. . 2nd report, minutes of evidence. Cd. 3716 717. ,. Minutes of evidence for 2nd report. Cd. 3*1w. 1SE NEXT CARD. I

    Card ID: 123

  • card

    Author: DEPOSITORY (P)


    DEPOSITORY (P) ENGLAND. Department of State and Official Bodies. Rpya1Cms.sion on Scottish Affairs. Royal commission on Scottish Affairs, 1952-195)+. Report. (Cmd. 9212.) pp. 125. Tables. 0 8. Edinbiirh, (195J. —Minutes of evidence. 10 parts. 0 8. Edinburgh, 1953-51+. —Memoranda. 1+ vols. 0 8. Edinburgh, 1953.

    Card ID: 233