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DEFFAND Marie a:p |k:p (will) (5)



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    Author: DEFFAND (Marie)


    DLI DEFFAND (Marie) Marohioness. Correspondance inédite de Mme Du Deffand. t -‘ I PreceQee d one notice par i.e marquis de Sainte—Aulaire. 2 vols1. 0 8 . Paris, 1859.

    Card ID: 285

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    Author: DEFFAND (Marie)


    — 1•_i “ Dli DEFFAND (Marie), Marchioness. Letters of the Marquise du Deffand to the Hon. Horace Walpole...trozn the year 1766 to the year 1780. To which are added Voltaire, from the year 1759 to the year 177!). Published from the originals at Strawberry Hill. tEdited, with alife of the authoress and notes, by )t.Berry.1 VoLs. 1. 3.. Portrait.n facsimile. 0 12 . London, 1810. Irnperfect; wantinR Vol. ]V.

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: DEFFAND (Marie)


    DU DEFFAND (Marie), M&rchioness. Lettres cle la Marquise du Deffand Horace Wa1poe <1766—178Q). Premire &Iition copiete, augn9ntee1d’e1viron OO ).ettres inedites publieesd apres lee originaux, avec une introduction, des notes, et une table des noms. Par Mrs. P. Toynbee. 3 vols. Portrait. 80. London, 1912.

    Card ID: 287

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    Author: DEFFAND (Marie)


    L ) DII DEFFAND (Marie), Marchione8s. See KLERKS (Wilhelm). Madame du Deff and: essai sur l’ennui, etc. Leyden and Assen, 11961].

    Card ID: 290

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    Author: DEFFAND (Marie)


    DU DEFFAND (Marie), Marchioness. See MAUBOIS (A.), pseud. [i.e. E.HERZOG.J tudes anglaises, etc. (Madame du Deffand et Horace Walpole.) Paris, 1927.

    Card ID: 291