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DEAN Henry a:price harry|k:is (harry) (7)



  • card

    Author: DEAN (Henry)


    Harry Price Library For reireice Only DEAN (Henry), Conjuror. The Whole art of legerdemaIn, etc. [Continued.] venth edition, etc. pp. 132. I11ustratons. [H.P.L.] )O London, 1763. [A reissue.] pp. 132. Illustrations. [H.P.L.] 12°. London, 1772. [Another edition.] Seventh edition, etc. pp. 119. Illustrations.TH.P.L.] 12°. G1aov, 1769. Imperfect wanting sig.C. [s NE)]Y CARD.)

    Card ID: 274

  • card

    Author: HENRY (Dean Eugene )


    JSb Mac McHENRY (Dean Eugene ) Academic departments. (y J Dean E. Nellenry and associates.) pp. xx, 2O. Bibi. San Francisco, 1977.

    Card ID: 130

  • card

    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of and SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers..A new series,etc. 7. S. Cyril of Jerusalem: (the Catechetical lectures...With a revised translation, introduction, notes, and iiiclices, by E.H.Gifford.)S. Gregory Nazianzen: (select orations...translated by C.G.Browne and J.E.Swaliow.— Select letters.)[With lists of the authors1 works.] pp. lx. + 498. 8°. GradRapids, 1955.

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: FERGUSON (John Henry) and McHENRY (Dean Eugene)


    FERGUSON (John Henry) and McHENRY (Dean Eugene). Instructor!s manual to accompany The American system of government and The American federal government. Third edition. pp. iv. + 110. 40• New York, 195.

    Card ID: 310

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    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene cand post—Nicene fathers of the Christian Church. A new series. Translated into English, with prolegomena and explanatory notes, under the editorial supervision of H.Wace and P.SchaiT, 14 vols. 8°. Oxford and e•York (Grand 1apid), 1890—1956. Vols. 2578.1O—l4, are reprints. [.SEE: NEXT CARD. j

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip)


    2’ WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers... A new series, 2. Socrates (The ecclesiastical history...Revised with notes, by A.C.Zenos). Sozomenus (The ecclesiastical history...comprising a history of the Church from A.]). 325 to A.D. 425. Translated from the Greek. Revised by C.D.Hart— ranft), etc. [With bibliographies.] pp. xxv. +454. 8°. Grand Rapids, 1952.

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, arid SCHAFF (Philip)


    WACE (Henry), Dean of Canterbury, arid SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, 1.2. Leo the Great (letters and sermons...Trans— lated, with introduction, notes and indices, by C.L.Feltoe.) Gregory the Great: (The book of pastoral rule and selected epistles.. .Translated, with introduction, notes, and indices by J.Barniby.) [with a bibliography.) pp. xv. ÷ 251. Table. 8°. and flapids, 1956.

    Card ID: 157