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DE Daniel a:an daniel|k:0065 (7)



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    Author: DE (Daniel)


    STERLiNG L1RAY REFF4CE DE (Daniel). [Major Single Works.A Tour thro’ the Whole Island of Great Britain.—Extracts.j A Tour thro London about the year 1725: being Letter V. and parts of Letter VI. of ‘A Tour thro’ the whole island of Great Britain’ containing a description of the City of London, as taking in the City of Westminster, Borough of 8outhwark and parts of Kiddlesex...1eprinted from the text of the original edition &1724_1726). Edited and annotated by Sir Mayson M.Beeton and E.Beresford Chancellor, pp. xxi. + 115. Portrait, jlates, acs flea sand plans. fol. London, 1929. Edition limited to 35” r4c 8.L.C., 227.

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: FEUILLE (Daniel de)


    L(jF 1L FuLU:J LA FEUILLE (Daniel de). Devises et embmes ancienries et. modernes, tires des plus çelebres uteurs, avec p].usiers aut,res nouvellem”. inventees et mises en latin, en françois, en espagnol, en italien, en anglois, en flamand et en allemand, par les soins de D. de la Feuille [by H. Offelen]. 51 + (i) leaves. Egravings. [D.—L.L.] 0 4 . tmsterdam, 1712. The title—page is engraved. The recto of leaf 49 is incorrectly_numbered 50.

    Card ID: 80

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    Author: FUILIJ (Daniel de)


    LA FUILIJ (Daniel de). Devises et emb1mes anciennes & modernes, etc. [cowr INUED.] 3ee P.&RRAVICI3iI ( ), Proesseur des Langttes Etrangères. Devises & embThines d’arnour anoisnes & modernes, moralisées en vers francois, & exp1Fuéee en sept langilee par Jr. arravioini. [Being the eeoond part of “Devises et embThmes anciennes & moderne&’ y D. do la ‘eui1le.] D. de la Feuille: Amsterdam, [16963.

    Card ID: 81

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    Author: E (Daniel de)


    DEPO8ITORY LA ROOiE (Daniel de). Specimen botanioum inaugurale, sistens desoript— iones plantarum aliquot novarurn, etc. po. 35. + (4). Folded plates. TL. I.] 4°. 1766.

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: NESSEL (Daniel de)


    NESSEL (Daniel de). Catalogus sive recensio specialis otnniuni codicum manuscriptorum grcorum, nec no linguarum orientaliuni, augustissim Bib1iothec Caesarea! Vindobonensis, publicam luceni edidit D. de Nessel. • .Accedunt. . .indices, chronologicus nempe et aiphabeticus, verm etiam selectissima appendix variorurn iconismorum & additamentorum, (Breviarium & supplementuni commentarioruni Lambecianorum.) 6 parts in 1 vole ?ortrajt, plates and facsimiles. fol. Vienna and Nurembeig, 1690. Iniperfect; wanting the portrait of the eroreopo1d I. A hand—drawn coy has been supolied.

    Card ID: 594

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    Author: RIS (Armsnd Charles Daniel de)


    MSPD Fir FIRMAS-PgRIS (Armsnd Charles Daniel de), Count. Bigamie de Napolon Buoriaparte. pp • 8o. 8°. Paris, 1815.

    Card ID: 130

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    Author: MESQUITA (Daniel Meredith Bueno de)


    MESQUITA (Daniel Meredith Bueno de). § BTJflJO DE MESQUITA (D.M.)

    Card ID: 285