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DAY John Percival to (john) (3)
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DAY, John Percival
Author: DAY (John Percival)
DAY (John Percival). An Introduction to world economic history since the Great War. pp. xi. + 161. 0 - 8 . London, 199.
Card ID: 69
I ptiO%’ DAY (John Percival). Public administration in the Highlands arid Islands o Scotland. pp. vi. + 407. Djarans. 8° London., 1918.
Card ID: 71
DAY (John Percival). The Jute industry in Soot,land during t,he war. See WASHINGTON (OOLUT8IA). Carnele Enclowinnt for Intarnational “?óe. IYIiriSlon o! oo .nii anI Eoonanic and social history of ths World War. British Series. J. L Shotweil, general editol’. Rural Scotland during the war, etc. pp. 287—307. London, 1926.
Card ID: 70