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DAY John a:as john|k:to (john) (211)



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    Author: DAY (John)


    DAY (John), Dramatist. GOLDING (Sidney B.) The Life and work of John Day. 1930.

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: DAY (John)


    DAY (John), Dramatist. I The Works of John Day. Now first colldted, with an introduction arid notes, by A.H. Builen. 7 parts in 1 vol. 4°. [London], privately printed, 1881. An autograph letter rgm H.Bullen1 together with a printed list of subscribers bar1g are bound at the end of the volume. [SEi NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 56

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    Author: DAY (John)


    DAY (John), Draiatist. The BlInd beggar of Bednall Green. Von H. Chettle und J. Day. Nach der Q 1659 in Neudruck herausgegeben von W. Bang. Louvain, 1902. e BANG (w1iy). Materialien zur Kunde des 1teren englischen Dramas, etc. 1.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: DAY (John)


    DAY (John), Draiatist. The Tie of Gvis, etc. London, t96. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Shakespeare Association. Shakespeare Association Facimi1es. No. 12..

    Card ID: 59

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    Author: DAY (John)


    LRt DAY (John), Professor ±n Barnard College Columbia University. An Economic history of Athens under Poma domination. [With a bibliography.j pp. x. + 300. Tables. 8°. New York, 1942.

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: DAY (John)


    2WOF Gen DAY (John), Professor In Barnard College, Coli.unbia University. See GENOA, Reub1iv of. gana. Les Dousnes de Genes, 1376—1377. (Les registres ‘Ambasciate Anglie introy-tus et exitus’.) [Edited, with an introthiction., byJ(J.Dy). 8°. Paris, 1963.

    Card ID: 66

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    Author: DAY (John)


    DAY (John), Professor in Barnard, College, :‘.. Colunibia Unjvers&ty. NEW YOBK. Columbia TJniversit3. Columbia Papyri. Greek Series. 5. Tax documents from Theadeiphia; papyri of the second century A.D. Editedwith introduction and notes by J.Day and C.W.Keyes. New York, 1956.

    Card ID: 67

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    Author: DAY (John Percival)


    DAY (John Percival). An Introduction to world economic history since the Great War. pp. xi. + 161. 0 - 8 . London, 199.

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: DAY (John Percival)


    I ptiO%’ DAY (John Percival). Public administration in the Highlands arid Islands o Scotland. pp. vi. + 407. Djarans. 8° London., 1918.

    Card ID: 71

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    Author: LARKIN (John Day)


    ZEPO S1TOR1’ LARKIN (John Day). Trade agreenents: a study in democratic methods. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of Economics and History. International EconomlcHandbooks, I.) pp. xii. + 135. 8°. I4ew York, 19LO.

    Card ID: 224

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    Author: TLE (Henry) and DAY (John)


    CHE’rTLE (Henry) and DAY (John), Dramatist. The Blind beggar of Bednall Green...Nach der Q 1659 in Neudruck herausgegeben von W. Bang. Louvain, 1902. See BANG (w1)y). Materialien zur Kunde des 1teren &iglischen Dramas, 1.

    Card ID: 137

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    Author: DAY (John Percival)


    DAY (John Percival). The Jute industry in Soot,land during t,he war. See WASHINGTON (OOLUT8IA). Carnele Enclowinnt for Intarnational “?óe. IYIiriSlon o! oo .nii anI Eoonanic and social history of ths World War. British Series. J. L Shotweil, general editol’. Rural Scotland during the war, etc. pp. 287—307. London, 1926.

    Card ID: 70