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DAY Georges on (georges) (5)
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DAY, Georges
BERNER, Georges Albert
PARODI, Aiexandx’e
No Author available
Author: DAY (Georges)
- - — EPOS1ORY DAY (Georges). - Le Droit de veto dans 1’organisation des Nations Ujes...Prface de A.Parodi. [With a bib1iograpliy. pp. iv. + 2. 0 V 8 . Paris, 152.
Card ID: 45
Author: BERNER (Georges Albert)
F ‘ — BERNER (Georges Albert). See JAQUET (Eugene),. Technique and history of the Swiss watch £rom its beiniüngs to the present day, etc. [By] (E.Jaquet, A.Chapuis, with the cooperation of G.A.Berner.) Berne, 1953.
Card ID: 212
Author: PARODI (Aiexandx’e)
DEPOSITORY PARODI (Aiexandx’e). DAY (Georges). Le Droit d.e veto dans ).‘orgaisation des Nations UniSS...Préiace de A. Parodi. Paris, 152.
Card ID: 111
Author: No Author available
IEPO5)TORY U1’4ITi) NATIONS. -[Appendix.] •&& DAY (Georges). Le Droit. de veto dans 1’oranisation des Nations Linies... Prhace de A.Parodi. Paris, i352.
Card ID: 181
1Vft WRIGWf (Thomas)1 ILA., F.S.A. England under the House of Hanover: its history and condition during the reigns of the three Georges, illustrated fron the caricatures and of the day.. .With.. .illust..ratdons.. .by F.VI. Fairholt. 2 vols. Plates and illustrations [G.G. j 8. London1 1:848. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 430