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DAY, Francis
DAY, Francis Henry Cripps-
DAY, Francis Henry Cripps—
Author: DAY (Francis)
PR [CN - British Museum) DAY (Francis). See LONIX)N. [iii.) British Musim. Natural History Departments. Bulletin of the British Museum . Historical Series, Vol.5, no.1. FranciS Ly, 1829.1889, and his collecticns of Indian fishes, etc. [By] P.J.P. Whitehd and P.K. J.var. Lodai, 1976.
Card ID: 33
Author: DAY (Francis Henry Cripps-)
DAY (Francis Henry Cripps-). Fragmenta armainentaria. (Edited by— - Day.) Vol.1, parts 2—4, Vol.2, parts 12,4,5,. Vol. 3, part 2,Vol.5,:Vol. 6. Part 1. 8°. Frome, privately printed, 1934-56. 1. ii—iv. An Introduction to the study of Greenwich armour. By F.H.Cripps-Day. 1934—45. 2. 1isce1lanea. i. The Tomb and achieveiflents of King Henry VI. at Windsor, By C.R.Beard. 1936. ii. A Sale of armour by lottery in 1586. By F.H.Cripps—Day. 1938. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 34
Author: DAY (Francis Henry Cripps—)
(I ‘I DAY (Francis Henry Cripps—). - - ‘ragmenta armamentaria. [Continued.J 6.1. Musings by the ingle nook. 1956.
Card ID: 36
2dq5 (‘I DAY (Francis Henry Cripps—). The anor which are added reprint— facsimiles of the Boke of husbandry, an English translation of the XIITth century tract on husbandry by Walter of Henley, ascribed to Robert Grosseteste and printed by Wynkyn de Worde, . 1510, and the Booke of thrift, containing English t1ranslat,ions of the same tract and of the anonymous XIIIth century tract, Hosebonderie, by J. Bellot., printed in 1589. pp. xxxviii. + 114 ÷ (6b). Plate. 40• London, 1931. Presented and signedby the author.
Card ID: 37
Th- ItJ4tftC o DAY (Francis Henry Cripps—). A Record of armour sales 1881—1924. pp. lxviii. + (2) + 27. Front,ispiece and. illustrations. [P.M.L.7 40 London, l92.
Card ID: 38