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DAY Arthur Louis a:a louis|k:in (louis) (8)
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DAY, Arthur Louis
DAY, Arthur Louis and SOSMAN, Eobert Browning
ALLEN, Eugene Thomas and DAY, Arthur Louis
DAY, Arthur Louis and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas
No Author available
Author: DAY (Arthur Louis)
DAY (Arthur Louis).. - See ALLET ( • T.) and DAY (A • L ) Steam wells and other therrnai aotivit,y at The Geyser&, Qalifornia. Wasiincto, 1927.
Card ID: 14
DEPOSITO DAY (Arthur Louis) an6. ALLEN (Eugene Thomas). The Volcanic activity and hot springs of Lassen Peak. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Pubfloation No. 360.) pp. viii. + 190. Illustrations. 40• Washington, 1925.
Card ID: 16
Author: DAY (Arthur Louis) and SOSMAN (Eobert Browning)
DAY (Arthur Louis) and SOSMAN (Eobert Browning). High temperature gas thermometry...With an investigation of the metals by E.T. Allen. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 157.) pp. vi + 129. Plates, digramsa tables. 8°. Washig, 1911.
Card ID: 17
Author: ALLEN (Eugene Thomas) and DAY (Arthur Louis)
-Pos IT, ALLEN (Eugene Thomas) and DAY (Arthur Louis).. Hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park... Zlicroscopic examinations by H. E. MerWin. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication No. 4bb.) pp. xviii. + 25. Frontispiece) i1lustrations2 diagram) charts and tables. 40. Washington, I93.
Card ID: 261
Author: DAY (Arthur Louis) and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas)
DEPOSITO R’( DAY (Arthur Louis) and ALLEN(Eugene Thomas). The Isomorphism arid thermal properties of the feldspars. Part 1. Thermal study. [By) A.L.Day and B.T.Aflen. Part 2. Optical study. [By] J.P.Iddiigs. With an introduction by G.F.Becker. (Qarne e Ins t o :.•. Washingtçn. Pub1Ication No. 31. pp. 95. Plates,,. diagrm5 nd tpbles. 8°. Washingti, 1905.
Card ID: 15
Author: No Author available
DEPOSTOR1’ !LT.EN (Eugene Thomas) and DAY (Arthur Louis). - St.eam wells and other thermal aotivity at “The Geysers”, California. (Ce.rne’ie Institution of Washifgtôn.’ Publioa ton ..781 IT1.usons-id a.. folded map. - ________ ic)?.?.
Card ID: 262
——.——‘‘ - -— __:___..__,... KEATS (John). [Appendix.]. CZf.p. See fOLLINS (Hyder E.) and PARRISi (Stejhen hi.) Keats ana the Bostonians: Amy t.owell, Louise Imoen G11Iney, Louis Arthur Holman, Fred Holland Day. 195]-.
Card ID: 578
LX;x) f’ . 1I) ROLLINS (Ryder Edward) and PARRISH (Stephen Maxfield). Keats and the Bostonians: Amy Lowell, Louise Iniogen Guiney, Louis Arthur Holman, Fred Holland Day. (Letters arid papers, 1889—1931.) pp. xi. + 209. Portraits and facsimile. 8°. midge,Mass., 1951.
Card ID: 242