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DAY Alfred an (alfred) (21)



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    Author: DAY (Alfred )


    M ‘) i DAY (Alfred ). See JACOBI (Erwin R.) Die der Musiktheorie in England nach der Zeit von Jean— Philippe Rameau. (Faksimile— Ergänzungsband zum zweiten Teil: A Treatise on harmony, by A.Day... 1845. Part II. Chromatic harmony, Strassburg, 1957—60.

    Card ID: 8

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    Author: DAY (Alfred)


    (_O r) DAY (Alfred). A 1’iew exposition of the system of Euclid’s Elements, being an attempt to establish his work on a different basis, by a new derivation of the doctrine of proportion, and an analytical examinatioriof the nature of a converse proposition, and the doctrine of identity, containing...a demonstration of the theory of parallels, as enunciated in the celebrated 12th axiom) and a demonstration of the 47th of the 1st, without the aid of that theory. pp. 91. [De It.] 12°. London and Bristol, 139.

    Card ID: 6

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    Author: DAY (Alfred)


    L—° - DAY (Alfred). A Treatise on proportion, with vie to a fundamental alteration in the method of teaching the elements of geometry, and the simplification of that part of it known by the title of the theory of parallels, in which is shovm how Euclid’s fifth book may be treated gruphically, and the deuLonstrations at once conveyed to the eye of the learner without the use of algebra. pp. 84. Folded plates. [Dc M•] 120. London and Bristol, 1840.

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: AYLWARD (Alfred)


    i r I DEPOSITORY AYLWARD (Alfred). The Trausvaal of to-day: war, witehoraft, sport and. spoils in South Africa. pp. xii. +• 428. 0 8 • Edinbur and London, 1878.

    Card ID: 58

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    Author: S (Alfred)


    v q r—c ‘— CHAP1I[S (Alfred). I JAQUET (Eugne). Technique and history of the Swiss,.: watch from its beginnings to the present day, By (E.Jaquet, A.Cbapuis, with the cooperation of G.A.Berner.) Berne, 1955.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: YLISS (Alfred Edrard Macduff)


    Malcolm Morley , Collection BãYLISS (Alfred Edrard Macduff). Junior one—act plays of to—day. Edited by A.E.M. Bayliss. (arrao’s Junior Modern Eni’iishrica.) 1930,

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: DAVIE (Donald Alfred)


    YBC Day DAVIE (Donald Alfred). A Gatzered church: the literature of the English dissenting interest, i7oo-293o. (The Clark lectures 1976.) pp. 152. P].ates. London nd Henley, 1978.

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    Author: SPENDER (Jobn Alfred)


    NHP - S1e SPENDER (Jobn Alfred), The America of to—day. pp. xi + 269. 8°. Loiidon, 1928. Published in the United States under the title: “Phrouh English Eyes”

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    Author: ALTON (Edward Alfred)


    D’ALTON (Edward Alfred). History of I’eland from the earliest times to -the present day. (Third edition). 4 vols. in 8. Plates and maos. Dublin and Belfast, 1J.920?]—25. Published in 8 “half—voli.rnes”, of which no. 7 and. 8.. entItled “Ir1and since 1906?! were piblished at Loncon.

    Card ID: 90

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    Author: HARDY (Alfred Cecil)


    f)EPQSITQ?y HARDY (Alfred Cecil). Motorshipping: a study of the Diesel—engined ship in relation to present—day shipping, showing something of the newest era in sea transport. Based upon a series of researches published in “Motorship”, “The Liverpool Journal of Commerc&’ and the Transactions of the Institute of Marine Fngineers...Cheap edition. pp. xi. + (1) + i66. Il1ustrations diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1935.

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    Author: BUDGK (Sir Frneet Alfred Thompson Wallie)


    fl-, ( BUDGK (Sir Frneet Alfred Thompson Wallie). See EOO!. [ Book of the Dead.] The Book of the Dead. The Chapters of Coming !orth by .A.W. Budge. London, 1898.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: No Author available


    ik)5ITRy. &ARDDIER (Alfred George). The Anglo—Arnerloan future. Qxford, 1920. See GOLLANCZ (j Victor). The World of To—day. No.2.

    Card ID: 364