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DAVIS Sir John Francis on (john) (3)
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DAVIS, Sir John Francis
IS, Sir John Francis
Author: DAVIS (Sir John Francis)
•1 fl’k ‘ DAVIS (Sir John Francis), Bart. Poeseos Slnensis commentarii. On the poetry of the Chinese. From the Royal Asiatic Transactions. To which are added, translations and detahd pieces. pp. (8) + 198 + (2). 80. Macao, 1834.
Card ID: 41
DAVIS (Sir John Francis), ]3art. Sketches of China, partlyduring an inland journey of four months between Peking, Nanking, and Canton. .Abridged edition, without chap. 16-19, the chapters relating to the war between Great Britain and China, 1839—1842.] See aupra: The Chinese, etc. Supplementary volume. çido, 1844-45.
Card ID: 42
Author: IS (Sir John Francis)
DV1IS (Sir John Francis), Bart. See BAN. Hn Koong Tsew.. .Pranslated from the J.F. Davis. London, 1829.
Card ID: 43