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DAVIS John William a:in john|k:in (john) (6)
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DAVIS, John William
IDGE, John cabell
WEAVER, John Reginald Homer
HART, Albert Bushnell
No Author available
Author: DAVIS (John William)
DAVIS (John William)., United States Ambassador to!3ritn. The United States. See NE YORK. Council on Foreign Relations. The Foreign policy of the Powers, etc. pp. 143—161. New York, i93.
Card ID: 49
DAVIS (John William), United States Ambassador to Britain. Speeches on the oooasi0 of the oall to the Benoh of His ce11ency th& Hon. J.X.DaviS, Ambassador of the United States at the Court of St. James,on January 30th, 1919, in the ?arliainent Chamber of the bliddle Temple. pp. 15 -(i). - 8. [London, 1919).
Card ID: 48
Author: IDGE (John cabell)
D333 NG BRE Lv BRECKIN!IDGE (John cabell). See DAVIS (William Columbus). Breckinridge: statesman, soldier, symboJ.. Eaton Rouge, l97i-.
Card ID: 8
Author: WEAVER (John Reginald Homer)
WEAVER (John Reginald Homer). Henry William Carless Davis, 1874—1928: a memoir by J.R.H.Weaver and a selection of his-historical papers -edited by J.R.TT. Weaver aM A.L.Poole. twith biblio— graphies.] pp. vii. + 217. Portrait and tables. 8°. London, 1933.
Card ID: 486
Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)
NEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.] 21. Outcome of the Civil War, 1663-1865. By James Kendall Hosmer. [1907.] 22. Reconstruction, political and economic, 1865—1877. By William Archibald Dunning. [1907.] 23. National development, 1677—1865. By Edwin Erie Sparks. [19o7.J 24. National problems, 1885—1897. By Davis Rich Dewey. [l907.J 25. America as a world power, 1897-1907. By John Holladay Latan& [1907.j 26. National ideals, historically traced, 1607—1907. By Albert Bushnell Hart. [By 1907.j [SEE NEXT CARD.J
Card ID: 135
Author: No Author available
STUDIES IN FRLNCH LITERATURE. Studies in French literature. (Continued.] Mouton Co.: The Hague and Paris. crc Ccntfgtfl4 cfl4L06ctJ 16. BUTLER (John Davis). Jean Moreas: a critique of his poetry and ohilosophy. 1967. SCC CanPulflZ Cfl4LCctY 17. BRESKY (Dushan). The Art of Anutole France. 1969. 5W Pc4fllE coPuoCaf iS.. PERRY (Kenneth i.) The Re].zgzous sytubolisifi ot Andre Gide. 1969. ça— co,$( C44?LDSCL9 19. MANKIN (Paul A.) Precious irony: the theqtre of Jean Giraudoux. 1971. SCC Co’,ALzfCk (i4’flltOdacf 20. STARR (William Thomas). Romain Rolland: one against all. A biography. 1971. 21. HAMLET—M7PZ (Mario). La Critique littêraire tie L.2-lk Lamartine. 1979. [sn NEAT CARD.]
Card ID: 335