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DAVIES s John a:on sir john-|k:be (john) (11)



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    Author: DAVIES (s John)


    (!Li ) SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SL - i&J F- DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (S John), Attorney-General for Ireland. EpigrammeS, written by SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS, and certaine of Ovid’S elegieS, tranSlated by ChriStopher ttlarlowe...Reprinted from a rare early edition in the poSSeSSion of SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir CharleS ISham, Bart., with a preface by C.dmondS. Indon, 187o. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See EDMONDSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (CharleS), Editor of the Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. VenuS and AdoniS, .

    Card ID: 37

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    Author: DAVIES ( John)


    - DEPOSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SITORY DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S ( John), Attorney-General for Ireland. The QueStion concerning. impoSitionS, tonnage, poundage, prizage, cuStomS &c. Fully Stated and argued, from reaSon, aw and policy, (1656.) pp. ii6. 0 8 . [Blackburn printed, 1876]. An excerpt from Vol. 3 of A.B.GroSart’S edition o1 he WorkS of SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DaviS iproSe and. verSe, in the Fuller rthi’ t4brary. .. - -* • •. •-.•• ,-• •

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: DAVIES (Godfrey)


    c&_ DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Godfrey). SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S LONDON. [lila] Royal HiStorical SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Spciy. Camden SerieS. 28. Autobior.phy of ThomaS Raymond aiid MemoirS of the Fami1y of GuiSe of Elmore, GlouceSterShire. [ny- SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir ChriStopher and SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John GuiSe.) Edited. .by G.DavieS. London, 1917.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: SMITH (Albert James)


    XIL 093G 973 SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SMITH (Albert JameS). SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See OVIDIUSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S NASS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SO (PubliuS). [AmoreS. - EngliSh.) ChriStopher lrlowe: Ovid’S ElegieS. John DavieS: EpigramS. 1595. [cS1mile reproductionS Of two editionS purporting to Imve been produced at Middleburgh in Holland. The Bindley text: EpigrammeS and elegieS. By I.D. [i.e. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS] and C.M. [i.e. ChriStopher Marlow’]. - The MaSon text: All Ovid’S elegieS: 3 bookeS. By C.M. EpigramS by J.D.J Introductory note by A.J. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Smith. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sco].ar PreSS MenSton, 1973.

    Card ID: 410

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    Author: No Author available


    Ve ICc j ‘‘Lt1,.. MARLOWE (ChriStopher). [WorkS tranSlated or with ContributionS bytarlowe.] .ç EDMCNDSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (CharleS), Editor of the Poetry of the Pnti—Jacobin. VenuS and AdoniS...the PaSSionate pu— grime...EpigrammeS, written by SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS, and eertaine of Ovid’S elegieS, tranSlated by C.Marlowe... Edited by C.EdmonclS. London, 1870.

    Card ID: 495

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    Author: IE (Christopher)


    XIL 0930 973 MARLC7IE (ChriStopher). [WorkS tranSlated or vith ContributionS by Marlowe.] ChriStopher Marlowe: Ovid’S ElegieS. John DavieS: epigramS. 1595. [FacSIni1e reproductionS of two editionS pirporting to have been produced at Middleburgh in Hoflend. The Bincttey text: EpigrwuneS and elegieS. By I.D. [i.e. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS] end C.M. (i.e. ChriStopher Marlow]. - The MaSon text: AU Ovid’S elegieS: 3 bookeS. By C .M. EpigremS by J.D. 3 tntrodu.ctoxy note by A.J. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Smith. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Scolar PreSS: MenSton, 1973. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>See OV]DIUSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S NASS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sc (PubliuS). [Amorea. - EncliSh.]

    Card ID: 494

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    Author: OVIDIUSNASW (Publius)


    xlii 0930 973 OVIDIUSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SNASS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SW (PubliuS). [AmoreS. - gliSh.] ChriStopher Marlowe: Ovid’S ElegieS. John DavieS: EpigramS. 1595. LFacSimile reproductionS of two editionS purporting to have been produoed atMiddleburgh in Holland. The Bindley text: EpigrammeS and elegieS. By.I.D. [ie. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS] and CM. I:i.e. ChriStopher Marlowe).. — The NaSon text: All. Ovid’S elegieS: 3 bookeS. By 0.11. EpigramS by J.D.] introductory note by A.J.SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Smith. pp. (164). SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Scolar PreSS: MenSton, 1973. Wanting A of the Bindley text which iS miSSing in the BritiSh MuSeum copy from which the facSimile waS made.

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: No Author available


    .. .oq rtCN QCILT( I RgrLR6a d41.y DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John), Attorney—General for Ireland. A DiScoverie of the true cauSeS why Ireland waS neuer entirely Subdued, nor brought vnder obedience of t crowne of England, vntill the beginning of HiS MajeStieS happie raigne, JameS ISt...With the addition of the author’S life, and a compleat index to the work. pp. (2) + xii. + 196 + (26). 12°. Dublin, 1761.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: No Author available


    l.—LL.) (t)Uc h,S’J 1’O4J. - - DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir .John), Atto -Gpm’a-. for. Ireland. - NoSce teipSuin. ThiS oracIe expounded in two elegieS. 1... Of. humane knowledge. 2. Of the Sou1 ofman, and the. imniortalitie thereof. Newly corrected and amended. pp. (4) + 101 [or rather, 8iJ. £D.—L.L.! 40 Richar4.iield for Iohn SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>StandiSh: Loon, 1602. The numberS 6 7—6 are omitted from the &thation.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: No Author available


    (J) •c—j(:. •Y CCt EDMODSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (CharleS), Editor of the Poetry of the Anti-. Jacobin, VenuS and AdoniS, from the hitherto unknown edition of 1599; the PaSSionate piJ.grime, from the firSt edition of 1599...EpigrammeS, written by SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir John DavieS, and certaine of Ovid’S elegieS, tranSlated by C.Marlowe... Edited [with introductionS and bibliographical noteS] by C.EchnonclS. (The..’IShara ReprintS.) 3 partS in 1 vol. 8°. Lofldon, 1870. No. 3 of an edition of 13t.copieS. SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Signed by the editor.

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: No Author available


    (3 OXFORD HISS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>STORY OF ENGLAND. The Oxford HiStory of England, edited by G.N.Cjark. CContinuod.] 9. DAVIESS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Godfrey). The Early SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>StuartS, 1603—1 660. 10. CLARK (SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir George N.) The Later SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>StuartS, 1660—1 714. 11. WILLIALaSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S (Arthur F.B.) The Whig Supremacy, 1714—1760. 12. VATSS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S0N (John SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S.) The Reign of George III, 1760—1815. MVIi1 [SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SEi N.EXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 75