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DAVIES Thomas Witton a:e thomas|k:on (e) (6)
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DAVIES, Thomas Witton
Author: DAVIES (Thomas Witton)
* DAVIES (Thomas Witton). Beibi Esgob Morgan a’r Beibi Hebraeg. [Reprinted from Beirniad, edited by Professor J. Morris Jones.] pp. 14.. 4°. fI.iverpoo1 i916.]
Card ID: 296
— DAVIES (Thomas Witton). IIeinrich Ewald, orientalist and theologian, 1803—1903: a centenary appreciation... illustrated. pp.xi. + 146. e. London, 1903.
Card ID: 297
DAVIES (Thomas Witton). Magic, divination and demonology among the Hebrews and their neighbours, including an examination of ib1jca]. references and of the Biblical terms. [With a bibliography.) pp. xvi. + 130, 8. London and Leipzig, [1898]. tPcVIJ [Another copy] [Another copyl.
Card ID: 298
DAVIES (Thomas Witton). The Rela.tion of Judaism and Ohristianity... Reprinted from the Seren Gomer, January 1910. pp. 12. 80 [1910.]
Card ID: 299
fic DAVIES (Thomas Witton). Sacred music among the ancient Hebrews and in the Christian Church. pp. 24. 8°. Rondon1, 1904.
Card ID: 300
DAVIES (Thomas Witton). GRIFFITH (W. H.) Rev. T. Witton tNewcaAnne1, 1912.
Card ID: 303