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DAVIES Rupert Eric a:john john|k:to (john) (3)
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DAVIES, Rupert Eric
FLEW, Robert flewton and DAVIES, Rupert Eric
Author: DAVIES (Rupert Eric)
DAVIES (Rupert Eric). John Scott Lidgett: a symposium...edited by R.E. Davies. pp. xi. + 209. Portrait. 8°. Londøri, 1957.
Card ID: 263
DAVIES (Rupert Eric). See FLEW (Robert Newton) and DAVIES (R.E.) The Catholicity of Protestantisin: being a report presented to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury by a group of ?ree Churchmen. Edited by R.N.Flew and R.E.Daves, etc. London, 1950.
Card ID: 268
Author: FLEW (Robert flewton) and DAVIES (Rupert Eric)
PT4 FLEW (Robert flewton) and DAVIES (Rupert Eric). The Catholicity of Protestantism: being a report presented to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury by a group of Free Churchmen. Edited by R.N.Flew and R.E.Davies. With a foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury. pp. 159. 8°. London, 1950. — I
Card ID: 84