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DAVIES Christian a:p will|k:p (will) (2)



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    Author: DAVIES (Christian)


    jLJL DAVIES (Christian). The Life and adventures of Mrs Christian Davies, etc. [Continued.) [Another copy.] .L.C., 1.226. The second edition. To which is added an appendix, contairing several remar1able passages, omitted. in the former-impressioi. 3 parts in I vol. rontispioce. 8°. Printed for R.Montagi: London, 1741. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: DAVIES (Christian)


    DAVIES (Christian). The Life and adventures of lire. Christian Davies, etc. [Continued.] The sheets of the first edition, with a frontispiece, a new it1epage, and the appendix inserted between sigs. 0 and P of Part 2.

    Card ID: 369