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DAVID Jan a:on david|k:it (david) (9)
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DAVID, Joannes
SCHMIDT, Jan David Erdman
OGSTRRFEN, David van
VERDENIUS, Wiilen, Jacob and WASZINK, Jan Hendrik
No Author available
Author: DAVID (Jan)
DAVID (Jan). Veridicus Christianus...Editio altera, auctior. [With “Orbita probitatis ad Christi imtationem veridico Christiano subserviens”.J pp. (16) + 374 + (32). P’ates.. [D.—L.L.I 4. Ex ofi’icina Plantiniana [pud loannern oretui: Antwe,O6 The titieoage is enpraved.
Card ID: 56
Author: DAVID (Joannes)
DAVID (Joannes), of Courtray, Jesuit. See DAVID (Jan).
Card ID: 59
Author: SCHMIDT (Jan David Erdman)
SCHMIDT (Jan David Erdman). Experiinenteele thronbose bij den hond. [With a bibliography and a summary in English, French and German.J Proefsctirirt verkrijging van den graaci van Doctor in de Veeartsenij— kunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit te TJt,recht... 1938, etc. pp. (10) • 102. Tables. 0 8 . litreoht, 1938.
Card ID: 420
Author: OGSTRRFEN (David van)
H0OGSTRRFEN (David van). See BROEKHUISEN (Jan van). Jani Broukhusii. Poeiaatum. tibri... Editore Davide Hoogstratano. Anistejj, 1711.
Card ID: 573
Author: RGEN (Jan)
I’INB1RGEN (Jan). Contiibution to economic analyais. IContinued.] 2i4. WONNACOT (Ronald J.) Canadian—American dependence. 1961. LJ 25. DAVID (Martin H.) Family composition and consumption. 1962. 26. FISI{ER (Franklin N.) A priori information and time series analysis: essays in economic theory and meaourement. 1962. [SEE NEXT CARD. 3
Card ID: 557
Author: TINBERG (Jan)
TINBERG (Jan). Contributions to economic analysis. [Continued.) 61.. KE21P (Murray Chilvera). A Contribution to the genera]. equilibrium theory of preferential trading. 1969. $i -cq 62. B1SLEY (David A,) tnduetry production behavior: the order—stock distinction. 1969. DEPOSITO RI’ 63. INAGAKI (H.) Optima]. economic growth: shifting finite versus infinite time horizon. 1970. DEPQSTOR’( 64. GINSBURG (Alan L.). American and British regional export determinants. 1969. [sz NEXT CIRDi
Card ID: 564
Author: VERDENIUS (Wiilen, Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan Hendrik)
VERDENIUS (Wiilen, Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan Hendrik). Phi.losophia antiqua, etc. [Continued.] — 22. GRAESER (Andreas). Plotjnus and the Stoics:. -a preliminary study. 1972. 23. IAMBLICHIJS, of Chalcis. [Fragments. - Greek and C-.C.AiX. English.] Iamblicbi Chalcidensis In Platonis dialogos coramentariorum fraginenta. Edited with translation and commentary by John M.Dillon. 1973. 24. TIMAELJS, locrus. [Greek and German..J De natura mundi et animae. Uberlieferung, Testimonia, Text und Ubersetzung von Waltor Marg. Editio major. 1972. 25. KONSTAN (David). Some aspects of Epicurean psychology. 1973. CSFE NZ(T CARD.]
Card ID: 350
Author: No Author available
iL. G’ C. DAVID (Jan). Oecasio arrepta, ne1ecta, hvivs conunoda, illivs ncommoaa. pp. (15) + 307 + (27). tilustrations. 4. Ex officina P1antiniana a,pud loannem Moretum: Antwerp, 1605.
Card ID: 55
(4 g BEOEKIUISEN (Jan vanY. Tani Broukhusii Poèmatum libri sedecina. Editore David-e. floogstratano. pp. (22) + 502 + (14). Vignettes. 4°. strdam 1711. With a second e,aved tit1epage bearg the poitraitof the author.
Card ID: 285