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DAVID Florence Nightingale a:david florence nightingale|k:it (david) (3)
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DAVID, Florence Nightingale
Author: DAVID (Florence Nightingale)
1’/ 3 DAVID (Florence Nightingale). Games, gods and gambling: the origins and history of probability and statistical ideas from the earliest times to the Newtonian era. [With bibliographies.] pp. xvi. ÷ 275. Portraits, plates, illustrations, facsimiles and tables. 8°. London, 1962.
Card ID: 38
DEPOSITORX DAVID (Florence Nightingale). Probability theory for statistical methods. [with bibliographies.j pp. ix. + 230. Diagrams, charts and tables. iLZ9;— ____ • [A reprint.] pp. ix + 230. Dians, charts and tabi. 8°. 1951. Part of_a thesis sub tted. for the degree of D.Sc. the University of London in 1951.
Card ID: 40
AN’ i DAVID (Florence Nightingale). Tables of the ordinates and probability integral of the distribution of the correlation coefficient in small samples. pp. aacviii. + 55. Facsimile, charts and diagrams. 4°. London, Cambridge printed, 1938. Parer submitted for the degree of D.Sc., London, 1951.
Card ID: 41