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DARWIN charles obert in (charles) (2)
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DARWIN, charles obert
DAFWII, Charles obert
Author: DARWIN (charles obert)
Si S — “ DARWIN (Charles obert). L The:Va.riation-of animals and plants under doniestication...With illustrations. 2 vols. [G.G.] -• ..[Another copy.] [D.—L.L] LM2a,€68. DEPOSITORY • -Second edition, revised.. .With illustrtior. .2vols. .- - 8°. London,- i88:. .PS7 Te& 4 —Eighth impreseion of the second edition, revised, 2 vols. 8. Londoi, 1899.
Card ID: 276
Author: DAFWII (Charles obert)
DAFWII (Charles obert). [Appendix.] 2.2. KRAUSE (g.) .irasmus Darwin...With a preliminary notice by C. Darwin, etc. London, 1879.
Card ID: 311