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DARWIN Charles Robert a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (45)



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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    EOJ Dar DARWIN (Charles Robert), [Letters.] 1rwin and Henslow: the growth of an idea. Letters 1831-1860 edited by NBarlow. pp. xii. + 251. Bibliography, portraits, plates, illustrations, maps and endpaper taos lmile. 8°. [London), 1967.

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DARWIN (Charles Robert). [Letters.) [Selected letters of Charles Darwin.) See DARWIN (Sir Francis). The Life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. Edited by his son, F.Darwin. 8°. London, 1887. —Seventh thousand revised. 8°. London, 1888.

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    r DARWIN (Charles Robert), [Letters.] More letters. of Charles. Darwin: . a record of his, work in a. series of .hitIierto. unpublished letters. Edited by F.Darwin. and..A.C.Seward, etc. 2 vols. ..Portraits and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1903.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DARWIN (Charles Robert). [LetterJ Charles Darwin ar the voyage of the Beagle. [Unpublished letters and notebooks.] Edited, with an introduction [and a short bibliography] by N. Barlow. pp (8) ÷ 279. Portrait, plates, maps and a facsimile. 80. London, 1945. [Another edition.] pp. 279. Port., plates, maps and facsim. New York, 1946.

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DEPOSITORY DARWIN (Charles Robert). [Letters. — French.) [Selected letters.] See DARWXN (Sir Francis). [The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin.-French. I La Vie et la correspondance de Charles Darwin, . 1888.

    Card ID: 232

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DARWIN (Charles Robert).. The .Autobiograpby of Charles. Darwin, 1809- 1882, with original omissions restored. Edited with appendix and. notes by his grand-daughter N.Bsrlow. (Third impression.) pp. 253. Portraits, facsimile and. genealogical table. 8. London, 1938.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    EOJ : DARWIN (Charles Robert). [Autobiography.] Charles I.rwin, Thomas Henry Huxley: autobiographies. (Charles £rwin: Autobiographical ±‘ragment, Autobiography. Thomas Henry Huxley: Notebook: ‘thoughts and. doings , Autobiography, Speech at the Royal Society dinner.) Edited with ax’ introduction by Gavin de Beer. (Oxford English Memoirs and Travels.) pp.xxvi, 123. Plates and chronological tables. London, l97.

    Card ID: 234

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    f tU5 BEA Der DARWIN (Charles Robert). [Diary of the Voyage of It.M.S. Beae.-Selections.] The Beagle record: selections from the original pictorial records and written accounts tby Charles Darwin, Robert Fitzroy and Conrad rtens J of the voyage of H.U.S. Beagle. (Edited by Richard Darwin Keynes.) pp. xiv, 49• Cambridge, 3,979.

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    It f-4--j DARWIN (Charles Robert). ‘. CiC tJ. The Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species... With illustrations. pp. viii. + 352. 0 B • London, 18?’?. [Another copy.) [L.I.) flEPOSITOR - [Another copy.) D.—L.L.] [SEE NEXT CARD. j

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DARWIN (Charles Robert). The Formation of vegetable mould through the actions of viorrns, with observations on their habits... With illustrations. pp. viii. + 326k - o (Another copy.] IO.—LL.] 8..Loia.onl88l. 7 - Sixth thousand, corrected. pp. vii. + 328. 0 8 • London, 1882. _____ 36. - Thirteenth thousand. With illustrations. pp. viii. +328., 8°. Lonc1on, 4897.

    Card ID: 247

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    EOf DARWIN (Charles Robert). The Foundations of the origin of species: a sketch written in 1842. Edited by F.Darwin. pp. xxii. + 55. facsimile. 8°. Cambridge, 1909.

    Card ID: 248

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    Author: DARWIN (Charles Robert)


    DARWIN (Charles Robert). Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.IL.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain FitzRoy, from 1832 to 1836. pp. xiii. + 615. Folded maps. (D..-L.L.] 0 8 . London 1840. A reissue of Vol. 3 of the Narrative of the Voyag of the Adventure and Eea1e, with a dffer titiepage. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 253