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DANIEL Samuel a:j john|k:to (john) (25)



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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    q DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. [The Pra of Cleopatra.] Daniels The Tragedie of Cleopatra nach dei Drucke von 1611. Heraus— gegeben von M. Lederer.L Louvain, 1911. IdG (Willy). Ltaterialien zur Kunde des Lilteren englischen Dramas, etc. 31.

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    3YI D23G Reference only DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. [The Civil Wars.) The Civil Wars...Edited with introduction and notes by L.Michel. -[with a bibliography.) pp. vii. + 366. Facsimile titlepage. 8°. New Haven, 1958.

    Card ID: 68

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. Cards under this heading are arranged in the following order:— Works. Smaller collections. Sinple works. Selections Works containing prefaces or commendatory verses by Daniel. Appendix.

    Card ID: 91

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    iEUNG L: L-t)) S REEiCE C - DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. tSmaller Collections.] The Poeticall essayes, etc. [Continued.] [Another copy.] In this copy the fifth book of the Civil Wars has beenprinted from a different getting of type. Part 5, the Compaint of Rosamond, has ben bound up-between parts I and 2. 1.QI.21O.

    Card ID: 94

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. CSmaller Collect ions.] The 7orks of Samuel Daniel. Newly augmented. 3 parts in 1 vol. [D.-L.L.j fol. [v. SimsJ, for Simon Waterson: London, 1602. The ti tie -e is Part 1 contains the Civil Wars. Part 2 contains Musophilus, Letter of Octavi_Cleopstra_ - the Qomlaint of Rosarnond. Part3contains the sonnets to Delia. Part2is without pagination. Parts 1and are searately paged.

    Card ID: 95

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. CSmaller Collections.] Certaine small poems lately printed, etc. Econtinued.] In this copy the Tragedie is sepaated from the Poems by a copy of the 8 edition of ItA Panegyrike congratulatorie”, 1603, which has bees bound between them. Ciopped. I(oc) (Another copy.) STERUNG LIBRARY SLO 1.211. REFERENCE ONLY

    Card ID: 97

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    STERLING LiBRARY (1 — REFERENCE ON1Y - DANIEL (Samuel) Poet and Historian, [Bmaller - Collections.] The Whole workes ot Samuel Daniel Esquire in poetrie. pp. (4) + 231 + (7) + 479. 4° Nicholas Olces for _Simo Waterson: London, 1623. With the engraved portrait title oage to the i6 edition of the Civil Wars freauent1y found in copies of this edition, but ot the attached •dedication to the Countess of Pembroke. in his copy Ee5, The Apology following the tragdy of Philotas, have been cancelled _epiaçd by a single leaf, containing only :bhl lines of th laY.

    Card ID: 98

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    STERLING LiBRARY REFERENCE ONLY DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. [The Civil Wars. j The Olvile wares betweene the }Iowses of Lancaster and Yorke, corrected and continued. pp. (6) + 231. 40 Printed by S,Watersorine: London, 1609. The tit1epae which is engraved and includes a crtrait of Daniel, has been cropped at the root and repaired. - Iwo other portraits of Daniel, one re—engraved from this tit1page in reverse.1 the other dated 124. have been inserted.

    Card ID: 102

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), roet and Historian.EThe Coileotiôn of the History of ]nglan The Collection of the History of England, See infra: [The History of England.]

    Card ID: 103

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. EThe Complaint of Rosamond.] The Complaint of Rosamond. Originally published in the first edition & ‘1Delia”. C SEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 104

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. [A Defence of Rhyme.] A Defence of rhyme. Oriçinally published in the second edition of “A anepyri)e congratulatorie delivered to the Kinzs most ece11ent Maiestie”. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: DANIEL (Samuel)


    rn r DANIEL (Samuel), Poet and Historian. CA Defence of Rhyme.] A Defence of ryrne against a pamphlet entituled: Oboeruationu in the art of English poesie. 1603. Thomas Gampion: Observations in the art of English poesie. 1602. (Edited by G.B.Harrison.) (The Bodley Head Quartos. 14) 2 parts in I vol. 0 8 . London and New York, 1925.

    Card ID: 108