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DANA James Dwight a:an james|k:0847 (2)
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DANA, James Dwight
DANA, James Dwight and, Edward Salisbury
Author: DANA (James Dwight)
DANA (James Dwight). Charaoteristics of voloanoes, with contributions of fa.ots mid prinoiples from the Hawaiian Islands. • .Illustrated by maps. • band viows, etc. pp. xri. + 399. [LT3 8. Londo t189O.]
Card ID: 326
Author: DANA (James Dwight) and (Edward Salisbury)
DANA (James Dwight) and (Edward Salisbury). The System of mineralogy...Seventh edition, entirely rewritten and greatly en1ared by C. Palache, H. Berman and C. Frondel. iwith a bibliography.] Vol. 1, etc. justrations diagrams charts and tables. 8”. ftw Yo and London 1944, etc. prQgress. 1. Elements, sulfides, sulfosalts, oxides. 1944. 2. Halides, nitrates, borates, carbonates, sulfates, phosphates, arsenates, tungstates, molybdates, etc. - 1951. 3. Silica minerals. 1962.
Card ID: 329