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DALTON Edward Hugh John Neale a:dalton john neale|k:to (john) (8)
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DALTON, Edward Hugh John Neale
GREGORY, $ Theodor nanue Gugenheim and DALTON, Edward Hugh John Neale
Author: DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale)
DEPOS%T0 DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. rhe Capital levy explained. pp. 96. Tables. 8. 1923.
Card ID: 91
DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. Hitler’s war, beforesnd aftçr. (A Penguin cia1.) pp. 191. 8°. Harmoridswortt and iiew Yorç, 1940.
Card ID: 92
DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. Practical socialism foi Britain...Second impression. pp. ix. + (i) + LO1 + (1). 8°. London, 1935.
Card ID: 93
DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. Principles of public finance, etc. ECoxitinued.) (Fourth edition, revised and reaet.) pp. xvi. + 255. Bibliography. go London, 1954. —[A reprint.) pp. xvi. ÷ 2556 Bibliography. 00 ‘on, 1957.
Card ID: 94
DEPOSITORY DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. Unbalanced budgets: a study of the financial crisis in fifteen countries. By H. Dalton, B. Thomas, J. N. Reedrnan, T. J. Hughes and W. J. Leaning. [With bibliographies.) pp. xi. + 468. Tables. 8°. London, 1934.
Card ID: 95
173 Can DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. CANNAN (Edwin). [Appendix.] - - London essays in economics, in honour of E, Cannan. Edited by T.E. Gregory and H. Dalton. WIth a foreword by Sir W. Beveric3,ge. * London, 1927.
Card ID: 97
• DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), s3aron Dalton. See LONDON. LIII. isce1laneous Institutions, Societies, Friends o1 urope. Friends of Europe publications. 41. TheNazi party, the state and religion. By A.Hitler. With a foreword by H.Dalton. London, t1936].
Card ID: 98
Author: GREGORY ($ Theodor nanue1 Gugenheim) and DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale)
T73 Can GREGORY ($ Theodor nanue1 Gugenheim) and DALTON (Edward Hugh John Neale), Baron Dalton. London essays in economics, in honour of E. Cannan. Edited by T.E. Gregory and H. Dalton. With a foreword by Sir W. Bevericige. London, 1927. CANNAN (Edwin). [Appendix. J
Card ID: 511