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DALLINGTON Sir Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (5)



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    Author: DALLINGTON (Sir Robert)


    DALLINGTON (Sir Robert). Aphorismes civill and ndiitarie, amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historie, out of the first Quarterne of Fr.Guicciardine. (A brief e inference vpon Guicciardines digressioñin the fourth part of the, first Quarterne of his ilistorie, forbidden the impression, and effaced out of the originall by the Inquisition, 2 perts in 1 vol. Portrait. fol. [R.Fie].d] for Edward Blount: London, 1 1613. The ‘Inference has a seDarate titlepage and paginatiQn. bt ‘e register is Continuous [SEE NEXT CAED.1

    Card ID: 31

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    Author: DALINOTON (Sir Robert)



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    Author: DALLINGTON (Sir Bobert)


    DALLINGTON (Sir Bobert). Aphorismes, [Continued.) - Second edition. 2 parts in 1 vol. ID.—L.Ik: ±‘ol. Printed bM.Flesher for Robert Allot: London, 1629. The “Inference” has a serarate titlepage and pagination but the reEister is continuous. The imprint on the titleage reads: Printed by Iohn Haviland, for fiobert Allot.

    Card ID: 32

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    Author: No Author available


    c67.G DALLlNG)N (Sir Robert). See COLONNA (Francesco), Dominican. [Hypnerotomachia. - English. j Hypnerotomachia: the strife of love in a dreeme <1592)...Pranslated [from the first book of Rypneroton,chia Poiiphili) by R.D. [i.e. Sir Robert Dallington?]. A facsimile reproduction (from the Longleat copy) with an introduction by Lucy Gent. De1nr, N.Y., 1973.

    Card ID: 35

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    Author: ARDINI (Francesco)


    GUICC)ARDINI (Francesco). See DALLINGTON (Sir Robert). Aphorismes civill and militarie... exemplified with historie,out of... Fr.(uiccjardjne. (A briefe inference vpon Guicciardines digression in the fourth part of the first Quarterne of his Historie, etc. ) London, i6i3. Second edition. don, 1629.

    Card ID: 237