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DALLINGTON Sir Robert a:e edward|k:e (or) (1)



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    Author: DALLINGTON (Sir Robert)


    DALLINGTON (Sir Robert). Aphorismes civill and ndiitarie, amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historie, out of the first Quarterne of Fr.Guicciardine. (A brief e inference vpon Guicciardines digressioñin the fourth part of the, first Quarterne of his ilistorie, forbidden the impression, and effaced out of the originall by the Inquisition, 2 perts in 1 vol. Portrait. fol. [R.Fie].d] for Edward Blount: London, 1 1613. The ‘Inference has a seDarate titlepage and paginatiQn. bt ‘e register is Continuous [SEE NEXT CAED.1

    Card ID: 31