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DALLAS Robert Charles a:in robert|k:0233 (6)
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DALLAS, Alexanier Robert Charles
DALLAS, Robert Charles
Author: DALLAS (Alexanier Robert Charles)
DALLAS (Alexanier Robert Charles). See DALLAS (R. C.) Recollections o± the life of Lord Byron, etc. lEdited by A. R. c. Dallas .T London, 1824.
Card ID: 483
Author: DALLAS (Robert Charles)
SfERLIIG UBRAX L1( •i REFERENCE ONLI DALLAS (Robert Charles). [Private correspondence of Lord Byron, including his letters to his mother written from Portugal, Spain, Greece, and other parts of the Mediterranean in the years 1809, 1810 and 1811. Comnected by memorandums arid observations forming a memoir of his life from the year 1808 to 1814. By R.C.Dallas. Including letters written by Dallas to Lord Byron.] London printed, 1824]. See BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Byron. [Letters and Journals.J
Card ID: 495
YfN Bc’7c DALLAS (Robert Charles). Recollections of the life of Lord Byron, from the year i8o1 to the end of 1814, exhibiting his early character and opinions...and includir various unpublished passages of his works. Taken from authentic documents in the possessiaa of the author.. To which is prefixed, an account of the circumstances leading to the suppression of Lord Byron’s correspondence with the author, ansi his letters to his mother, lately announced for publication. f Edited by A. R. C. Da1la.1. pb. 12 + xcvii. + (3) ÷ 344. Facsim. [G.G.] 8°. London, 1824. [SEE TEXT CLRD. J
Card ID: 496
STERLING UBRh REFERENCE O!L’ DALLAS (Robert Charles). Recollections of the life of Lord Byron, etc. [ContinuedY [Another copy.] S.L.C., I.157.
Card ID: 497
DALLAS (Robert Charles). See BTRAND DE MOLE’IILLE (Anoin’.de),rirargujs. The Costume o the ereditary States of the House of Austria1..With descriptions and introduotion...Translated by R.C. Dallas, eta. London, 1804.
Card ID: 498
DALLAS (Robert Charles). See flANET—CLERY (J.B.C.) A Journal of occurrences at the Temple, during the confinement of Louis XVI., King of France.. Translated from the original mansueript by fl.C.Dallas. London, 1798.
Card ID: 499