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D Richard Day day (richard) (6)
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D, Richard Day
JOHNS, Richard
TURPIN, Richard
WILLIS, Richard
No Author available
Author: D (Richard Day)
LEONAflD (Richard Day). The Presbyterian and Congregational Convention of Wiscon3in, 1840—50. A part of a tlissertation submitted to (the Uniyersity of Chicago)... for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 1938... Reprinted from Church History, Vol.7, No.4, Deceiber 1938. pp. 20. 8°. Chicag, 1938.
Card ID: 328
Author: JOHNS (Richard)
D POSITO RI JOHNS (Richard). The Calendar of victory: being a record of British valour and conqu’st by sea and 1aid, on every day in the yeai’. Projected and commenced by the late Major Johns. Continued and completed by P.FI.Nicolas. pp. xxiii. + 66o. 8°. London, 1855.
Card ID: 92
Author: TURPIN (Richard)
Canton Shorthand i3 Lpi [1 Collection RereflCC cn1’ TURPIN (Richard), ghwaytnan. The Trial of...Richard Turpin at York Assizes, on the 22d. day of rch, 1739. . .Taken down in court by T.Ky11 To which is prefix’d en exact account of ti said Turpin...With a copy of a letter which Turpin received from his father while under sentence of death. To which is added his behaviour at the place of executon...The second edition. pp. vii. 4- (i) + 3—25. 12°. York, [1739]. [SEE NEXT CARD. J
Card ID: 31
Author: WILLIS (Richard)
WILLIS (Richard), successively is.hoo of Gloucester, of Salisbury, and of Viinchester. A Serrnor: [on Isaiah xi, 13,141 preach’d before the Queen, at the Cathedral Church of St.Paul, London, on the 23d of August 1705: being the Thanksgiving—Day for the late glorious success in forcing the enemies lines’ in the Spanish Netherlands, by...the Duke of Marlborough. pp. 30. 4. London, 1705. ImDerfect wanting rn. 3—4. Bound in a lettered: Sermons. V. • [SEE, NCT CARD.)
Card ID: 99
Author: No Author available
PS’ (i’.c&.) WILLIS (Richard), successively Bishop of Gloucester, of Salisbury, and of Winchester. The Way to stable and quiet times: a sermon [on Isaiah ,ocxiii.6j preach’d before the King. . .on the 20th of January, l7lZ, being the day of thanksgiving to almighty God for bringing his majesty to...poasession of the throne, etc. pp • 32. 8°. London, 1715.
Card ID: 104
Canton Shorthand [cc .c..i Lfl, Co!Iecton Referene cnv luLL (Thomas). See TURPIN (Richard), Highwannan. The Trial of. .Richard Turpin at York Assizes, on the 22d. day of March, 1739...Pakcn down in court by P.Kyll. To which is prefix’d. an exact accowt of tie said Turpin...With a copy of a letter which Turpin received from his father while under sentence of death. To which is added his behaviour at the place of execution...The second edition. 12°. York, [17393.
Card ID: 312