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D John Henry a:on john henry|k:to (john) (60)



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    Author: D (John Henry)


    7I I Ii MUIRHEIkD (John Henry). John Henry I4uirhead: reflections by a journeyman in philosophy on the nioveinents of thought and practice in-his time. Edited by J.W.Harvey. LWith a tribute by H.Wodehouse and a bibliography of’s writings by T.E.Jessop.1 pp. 215. Portraits. [s.M.L.] 8°. kondon, 1942.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: JOHN (Henry)


    _‘ (7) IcIAt:r SAINT—John (Henry), Viscotingrg. Considerations upon the Secret history of the White Staff. Humbly address’d to the — of 0 . Earl of Oxford.] The fifth edition. [By H.St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. I London, [1714). See DEFOE. (Daniel). [Minor Single Works.] The Secret history of the White—Staff, et!.

    Card ID: 225

  • card

    Author: ON (John Henry)


    POS ITO RI PATTh3ON (John Henry), Lieut.—Co1. D.$.O. The Man—eaters of Tswo, and other ast African adventure3...7ith a foreword by .C.Se1ous. With illustrations. pp. xx. + 3ti6. Man. 8°. London, 1910/

    Card ID: 88

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    Author: JOHN (Henry)


    SAINT—John (Henry), ‘Iisoount Bo1inbroke. Portrait dii Mar6ohal de Berwiok..,tir d’une eui11e extraordinaire dii Craftsman, du 30 juuzi (vieux str1e) 1734. See MICHAUD (Jq F.) 5fli POUJOULAT (J. J. F.). Nouvelle collection des ni4rnoires relatifs l’histoire de France, etc. Vol. X)CXII. pp. 315 — 316. Paris, 1857.

    Card ID: 234

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    Author: MAN (John Henry)


    N7MAN (John Henry), Cardinal. See IDDLETON (Robert D.) Newman & Bloxham: an Oxford friendship. London, 1947.

    Card ID: 583

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    Author: NEWMAN (John Henry)


    NEWMAN (John Henry), Cardinal. MIDDLETON (Robert D.) Newman at Oxford: his relIgious development. London, 1950.

    Card ID: 584

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    Author: CLIVE (John Henry)


    I1, CLIVE (John Henry). The Linear system of short hand.. .Illustrated by...engravings. pp. (2) + 107. [D.—L.L.J 0 12 . London, 1830. The Utlepage is engraved.

    Card ID: 409

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    Author: TEMPLE (Henry John)


    A’\ ‘- TEMPLE (Henry John), d:Vis count 1mrston. GORDON (G.H.), 4thEar1 of Aberdeefl. Thirty years of foreign policy: a history of the Secretaryships of the Earl of Aberdeen and Viscount Palraerston. [By T. Macknight.) London, 1855.

    Card ID: 198

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    Author: DAYSH (George Henry John)


    folio 53 TCLe Lan Reference only DAYSH (George Henry John). . 4. See ENGLAND [ Miscellaneous Subheadings. Lana Utilisation Survey of Britain.) The Land of Britain, ç. 52. Nofthumberland. By I • D. Stamp... the whole compiled with the help of notes by G.H.J.Daysh, etc. London, 1945.

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: MARSHALL (John Henry)


    3r MARSHALL (John Henry) The ‘Razc de trobart of Raimon Vics1, and associated text5. j+ by .H. rshail. ?airnc’n Vidal: Jzoa dc trobar. Terrano d.s PIa: ioctrfra d’Acorb. Jofre de Foix: Regles de trobar • Doctra de componcire dictats. Two anonymous treatises from )4. RipoU 129. (Univer ity of Ixi.rham Pab1ications.) pp. cii, 13. Indon, 1972.

    Card ID: 219

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    Author: NVMAN (John Henry)


    Vósno NVMAN (John Henry), CardInal. Certain d f1olt1es felt br Anhlican lrt (atiolo teaohinr, cons1.dered n t’relvi lectures addressed to the party of the re1ious movernt of 1833. (In a letter addressed to...E. 3 Pusor on occasion of his ±r.ncon of l34. And in a letter ad.dressed to the Duke of Norfolk, on oooaslon of tr. V •ladstone’s xpostu1ation of 1874.) 2 vols. UL,I.J 8. T.iond 1879, 1876. Vol.1 i.sof the fifth edition.

    Card ID: 502

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    Author: ON (Sir John-)


    PS3F Har Reference only HARING’I’ON (Sir John-). A Briefe vie-w of the state of the Church of England in Q.Elizabeth’ s and King James his reigne to the yeere 1608: being a character and history of the bishops of those tines, and may serve as an aiiditional supply to D3ctor Goodwin a Catalogue of bishops. Written for the private use of Prince Henry, upon occasion of that proverb, Henry the eighth pull’d down monks and their cells. Henry the ninth should pull down bishops and their bells. [Edited. by J.Chetwind.) pp. (io) + 2U [or rather, 213] + (3). 12G. For J.Kirton: London, 1653. The pagination is irregula

    Card ID: 493