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D Anthony a:is john|k:an (john) (6)
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D, Anthony
ERD, John
No Author available
Author: D (Anthony)
WHI]!EHEkD (Anthony). See WHrTEAD (John Anthony),
Card ID: 306
Author: ERD (John)
—Lc it 4•I LEAN ERD (John). The Country innocence; or, the Chamber-maid turn’d Quaker. A comedy un live acts and in prose]. With alterations and amendments Ifrom’the “Countrie giriè’t. By TiB Sometimes attrIbuted to Anthony-Brewer.-] As it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written- by’J.Leanerd. pp. (8) +.57 ÷ (3). (D.—L.L.] 4°. rjrtteLfQr C.Harpef: London, 1677, o. 39 is incorrectly numbered 63.
Card ID: 71
Author: No Author available
TUDOR FACSI)flLE TEXTS. fftThTDAY (Anthony). The Book of John-a-Kent and John—a-Cuniber ...1595. (From the unique; Mostyn menuscript. Reproduced in facsimile, 1912.) pp. £38). [D.-.L.I.] fol. [London], 1912. Interleaved. -(Students’ Facsimile Edition.) pp. (30). fol. £Iondma, 1912.]
Card ID: 260
3 JG 07 Cor Retererice ii.y RICHfiRDS (David Anthony Stewart). See CFIELL (Sir Frederick Vernon) and CR1Mfl (Robert John Andersai). Caupuieory acqiisition and caipensation. r Sir Frederick Cortieid and R.J.A. Carnwat, assisted by D. A. Richards. Lcndon, 1978
Card ID: 220
L!i _L.1_.]C)1)t t s W., A. The Court and character of King Jawes. Written and taken by Sir LW. [i.e. Sir Anthony Weldon), being an eye, and eare witnesse. pp. (8) + 197. [D.—L.L.J 8°. Printed by R.I. and are to be sold by John Wright: Londoi, 15O. , 95ji3 19, 6o andj5have been incorrectly numbexed_59. 231, 132 1O and j. A portrait of James I. has been pasted on the. back of the titlepage.
Card ID: 7
oisf, c- r(’t.k;. 1. RE1uC ONLY. h-i: STOW (John), Historian and AntiQuarian. The Survey of London, contaynng the originall, increase, moderne estate and government of that city...With a memoriall of those faniouser acts of charity, which for’ publicke and pious vses have been bestowed by many...citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of...London and Westminster, but now, newly added, foure miles compasse. Begunne first by...Iohn tow...Afterwards inlarged by Anthony] M[uuday] in...,1618. And now... finished by...A.lIlunday T, B[enry] D[yson] and others...Whereunto...are annexed divers alpha— beticall tables, [Edited by C.J.] [SEE IEXT’ CARD.]
Card ID: 417