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Ci a:c joseph|k:c(c) (93)
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Author ()
P, ‘ci
J, cI
R, A— ci
CI, liuseppi
CI, LorezMSsetta
CI, Beatrice
CI, Moif
CI, Antonio
S, cI,
CI, JUrgen
CL, ci’
CI, Henryk
S, ci
CI, r
CI, Franz
CI, Stef an
ADAL, Ramon ci’
D, Oscar ci’
AE, Robert ci’
E, Adrian ci’
AMPOISE, Francols ci’
BRA, Franoesco ci’
ANDELI, Henri ci’
DLU, PAatrix ci’
ANNUNZIO, Gabriele ci’
JNZIO, Gabriele ci’
VILLE, rie Henri ci
ARC, Jeanne ci’
AUBIGN, Thodore Agrippa ci’
GERVILE, Ricardus ci’
NE, lrtia ci’
I, ?ci
BQRENILJS, ci Taiicred
BRUNEL, ci ovi s
QUEIROZ, Jose Maria cI’
IV, Neilo ci’
YS(p ci
GENTZ, Friedr±ci von
CI, Fossey John Cobb
NDECOURT, N&rie tadeeine ci’
HENIN, Etienne Felix ci?
HOLBACH, Paul Thiry ci’
HOOKER, ci If ford Alan
EVILL, Pierre Leaoyne ci’
EISSON, Maurice ci’
JN, Rohj ci
JOISON, cI’iarles
KTTS, Ci,staoe John
MCOMAS, Heni’y ci,
CI, Co o de’
CI, Giovanni de’
OLIVEIRA, Lopes ci’
ORDAL, Norbert ci?
ORVIETO, SiLaone Prudeniani ci’
OUTREPONT, Charles Lambert ci’
OUVILLE, AntoineLe Métel ci’
XFL, f’ci
AN, Louis Fran ci s
ZIT, p ci
CI, tazimier z
T, Jean le Rond ci’
RT, Jean le Rond ci’
ARLACH, monns ‘Gznnor ci’
ARLINCOURT, Charles ‘Victor Prvot ci’
AVEZAC, Marie Armanci Pascal ci’
QAYA, Marie Armanci Pascal ci’
LL, ci’ cCc’- EoEACON, Francis
S, Franc ci s de
GOLIM, Fran ci s Calling
CI(XUREL, Aaron Victor
APLES, Jacques le Fèvre ci’
FREVILLE, Wiro el ci e
HEBISSON, Maurice d’Irisson ci’
ANCONA, psolo ci’ and AESC]tLIfANN, Erhard
EGJANTINE, Philippe François Nazaire Fabre ci’
ESPEREY, Louis Felix Marie Frangois Franchet ci’
ETBNVIILE, Jean Chrea Vincent Bette ci’
GAY, Edwin Fr n ci s
RANDOLPH, Pr an ci e J Charles
JUST, Anne Jeanne Félicité ci ‘Ormoy de
URSEL, wolfgang Joseph Leonari Vitel ci’
VELPEAU, Aifre ci Ariuaaid Lou Is Mri e
RIMMELSHAUSEN, Hans Jacob Christoff ci See ROHRBACII, Günter
CI, David A’bertovich Frank- See rsic, David A’bertovich
CHAPELLE, Attuand Boisbeleau de g BOISBELEAU DE LA CI{APELLE, Arruand
Author: P (‘ci)
xiP (‘ci) ALDINGTON (Richard). Latin poems of the Renaissance. Translated by R.Aldington. (The PQets’ Trans1ationSeriQs, 4.) pp. 14. [London, 1915]. Catalogued froni the caption.
Card ID: 352
Author: J (cI) )
c —L’J (cI) )r L BACON (Francis), Yiscpunt _St [Novuni Organum. Bacon’sovum organum. Edited with introduction, notes, etc. By T.FowJLer. Second editib, corrected and revised. cClarendon Piess Series.) pp. xxii. + 629. [D.—L.L.1 50 Oxford, 1889. [Another copy.] f , I CON r Rsw:;Q Oi.V
Card ID: 90
Author: R (A— ci)
Portou Library 2 B R (A— ci). Six letters fromA ci B r (i.e. Archibald Bower) to Father Sheldon, illustrated with several...facts, tending to ascertain the authenticity of the said letters, and the true character of the writer by John Douglas, Bishop of Carlisle]. pp. 101. 0 8 • London, 1756.
Card ID: 442
Author: CI (liuseppi)
7 Fy ,i4- BUONAMI CI (liuseppi). Letteracritica del Sig. Buonamici sulle osserazioni aggiurite all’edizione del Decamerone del Boccaccio fatta in Londra nel ilDCCXXV...e lettera rispondente del Sig. Rolli. pp. (4) ÷ 4 + (2). Portrait. 4°. ris, 1728. The “Lettera rispondente?t has a separate titlepage, but the pagination is continuous throughout. Bound with the 1 725dItion of the Decarneron
Card ID: 435
Author: CI (Lore11zMSs0etta)
CP1RA0CI (Lore11zMSs0etta). MASCETTA—0AC°I
Card ID: 137
Author: CI (Beatrice)
POSITORY CElCI (Beatrice). RICCI (c.) Beatrice Cenci...Trans].ated from the Italian by M.Bishop and H.L.Stuart. London, 1926.
Card ID: 100
Author: CI (Moif)
DEPQSITORY ?CI (Moif). dr Ph’7sio1o de Menschn Nebst inex Darst11ung dei !ntr1ck1ungs— geehiehte von O.chu1tze. •UeI?t Wi1?cU’— b e1 et e Auf1ge. M6 . .!!olzsohnlttGri. 4gg4 jj911•
Card ID: 335
Author: CI (Antonio)
QXUi GRA Joe GRAiiCI (Antonio). JOCTEAU (Gian Carlo). Leggere Granci: wia uida alle interpretazioni. (Terza edizione.) Milan, 1977.
Card ID: 372
Author: S (cI,)
[sJ?S (cI,)C. HARRISON (John Clement). The Study of library administration. 4 leaves. fol. [Manchester, 1960].
Card ID: 619
Author: CI (JUrgen)
KUCZYNS[CI (JUrgen). CEFOI Ic Die Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter unter dern K&p.italismus.. E,Continued. J Part I. 7. Darstellung der Lage der Arbeiter in West— deutschland seit 1945. 2 vols. 1963. IsEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 269
Author: CL (ci’)
CL (ci’) LEIBNITZ (Gotttried Wilhelm von), Baron. See ALENGflY (Pranok). De jure apud Leibnitium, etc. Bordeaux, 1899.
Card ID: 467
Author: CI (Henryk)
OPI1SiCI (Henryk). See CHOPIIi (F. F.) Chopi&s letters. Collected br H. Opieiisk., etc. Cflew York], 1932.
Card ID: 60