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CZEIN Johann Joachjin a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (1)



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    Author: CZEIN( Johann Joachjin)


    ItCZEIN( Johann Joachjin). Critical account of the situation and destruction by the first eruptions of 1lount Vesuvius of Heroulaneum, Pompeii and Stabia, the late discovery of their remains, the subterraneone works carried on in theni, and the...Greelc and Roman antiquities thereby.. .recovered. . . in a letter ...illuatrated with notes taken from the Prench translation [of LI, Huber). pp. (2) + vi + 125,[L,I, 8. London, 11771. Bound in a volume lettered: Tracts on VesuviuB.

    Card ID: 568