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CURZON George Nathaniel a:c george|k:c(c) (10)



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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    FL ORS CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Curon of Kedle5tön. British government in India: the story of the viceroys and Government Houses. 2 vols. Portraits, plates and plans. 4. London, l92. Vol. 2 is of the second impression. Vol. 1 is of an edition limited to 500 sets.

    Card ID: 379

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    CURZON (George Nathaniel), Lrarguess Curzon of ICedlestoñ. Frontiers..(The Romanes lecture 1907,)delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, November 2, 1907. pp. 8. 8. Oxford, 1907. .... —f tAnother copy.]

    Card ID: 380

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    • — CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess zrnif’ Kealeston. Lord Curzon inIndia, being a selection from his speeches as Viceroy & Governor—General of’ India, 1898—1905. With a portrit, explanatory notes arid an index id with an introduction by Sir T.Raieigh. pp. lii. + 597. 8°. onion, 1906.

    Card ID: 382

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Curon of Ked].eston. Persia and the Persian question. [le7ith bibliographies.J 2 vols. Portraits, plates, maps, illustrations and tables. 8°. London and New York, 1892.

    Card ID: 384

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Curzon of T1eston The Personal history of Walmer Castle and its Lords Warden...Edited by S. Gwynn. pp. xv. + 530. Plates. 8°. London, 1927.

    Card ID: 385

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    0 CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Curzon SKeeston. Principles & methods of University Reform; being a letter addressed to the University of Oxford. pp. 220. 8°. Oxford, 1909.

    Card ID: 386

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    OL C CURZON (George Nathaniel), rquess Curzon of Keileston. Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo—Russian question...With appendices, etc. [With a bibliography.) pp. xxiii. + (1) + 477. Portraits, p1ates illustrations and folded rnaps 8°. Lon4onati&New_York,18.

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    CURZON (George Nathaniel)1, 1st Margues3 Curzon of Ked1estori. Speeches by Lord James of Hereford and Lord Curon of Kedlest0on at. a dinner of the Council...on...t.he 18th of Ma.y, 1909. London, [19091. See LONDON. II. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Men’s League for Opposing Woman Suffrage.

    Card ID: 390

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    DEPOSiTORY’ CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Curzoni Kedleston. War poems, and other translations. [With theY oriina1 texs.J pp. xv. + 221. 8°. London and New York, 1915.

    Card ID: 392

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    Author: CURZON (George Nathaniel)


    CURZON (George Nathaniel), Marquess Guraon of Kecileston. STRACHE (Sir J.)’, G.C.S.I. arid (Sir RJ, G.C.S.J Pla.ying with fire: Mr. Brodrick and Lord Curzon * [London, 19O]

    Card ID: 400