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CURTIS Winifred Mary curtis (winifred mary) (2)



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    Author: CURTIS (Winifred Mary)


    t /1r CURTIS (Winifred Mary). The Endetr.ic flora of Tasmania. Painted by M.Stones. Botanical and ecological text by l.CurIis. Part 1, . fol. London, 1967, etc. In progress. Part 1 was submitted with other works for the degree of D.Sc. of the University of London in 1968.

    Card ID: 254

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    Author: CURTIS (Winifred Mary)


    ue F Cur CURTIS (Winifred Mary). The Student’S flora, of’ Tasnania. 3 parts. Illus. Cliobart?], 1956—67. 1. Gymnospermae. Angioperniae: Ranunclaceae to Myrtaceae. 1956. 2. Aniosperrnae: Lythraceae to Epacridaceae. 1963. 3. Angiosperme: Plumbaginaceae to Salicaceae. tSuIxitted with other works for the degree of D.Sc. of the University of London in 1968.] 1967. [Another copy of’ Parts 1 and a.] 1’— tJ,j

    Card ID: 255