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Author: CROWNE (John)
— Lc 1’ - C 6l CROWNE (John).. Darius, King of Persia: atragedy [in five acts and in verse). As it is acted by their Majesties servants. Written by Mr. Crowne. pp. (12) + 68 + (4). [D.—L.L.J 4. Printed for R.Béntley: London, 1688. The title—page has been repaired.
Card ID: 125
I I-: C ‘ !‘c’ ZCi CROWNE (John). The Misery, of civil—war: a tragedy [in five acts and in verse.. Partly taken from Sha1esp’eare’s King Henry VI. Part 2.] As’itis actedatthe Duke’s Theatre, by His Eoyal Hi1inesses servants. Written by r. Crown. pp. (4)÷ 71 - (i). [D.—L.L.] 40• PrinteJorR.Bentley ajd LMgn: J.ondon, i6o. j. 49,,’56 e içorrect1y numbered 9,46.
Card ID: 131
YJ s86G CROWNE (John) Uotes nd observat.oris o The Enirjress ci’ brocco [by E]3nah Settle]; or, Sore few err€tas to be printed. • .with the second edition of that play. [r J. Crowne, 3. Dryden and T. Shsdwell. A facsimile of the edition of i671.] See SETTLE (Elkianah). The Empress of )brocco, 1673, etc. Los Angeles, 1968.
Card ID: 132
C”) fc CrJJ CROWNE (John). Sir Courtly flice; or, It cannot be. A comedy [in five acts and. in prose].. As it is acted by Rer Majesty’s servants. Mr. Crown. pp. (8) + 64. [D.—L.L.] 40 Printed for R.Weflingtoa E.RuLoni, 1703. pp. i6, 544 5 9aç incorrectlmbred gi. 55. 56. 59, 5S resDectively.
Card ID: 134
YJ c887v 966 CROWNE (John). John Crownets ‘Sir Courtly Nice’: a critical edition. By C.B.Hughes. (Studies in English Literature, it) pp. 183. Bibliography. 8°. The Hague and Paris, 1966.
Card ID: 136
YJ67 Jet CROWNE (John). Sir Courtly Nice. See JEFFARES (Alexander Nornan). Re5toration comedy. (An anthology.) Edited by A.Noraan Jeffares. Vol. 2. pp.553—651. London and Totowa, N.J.1 1974.
Card ID: 137
vJ C’’w CqiJ CROWNE (John). Thyestes:a tragedy[inf1ve actsand in verse]. Acted at the Theatre—Royal, by their Majestiesservants. ‘?iritten’by Mr. Crown. pp. (6) + 56. [D.—L.L.j 4ó PrtçdLor R. entlv aicLMgnes,: Lorid :1o81. The tit-jage of. The. aitQusst&tesmpn has beeix inseited befqr_the text.
Card ID: 138
• CROWNE (John). _& ANDROilACHE. Andrornache: a tragedy, [Trans1ated from the French of Racine. Edited by J.Crowne.J London, 1675.
Card ID: 139
CROWNE (John). See WINSHIP (o..) The First Harvard playwright: a bibliography of the Restorstion dramatist- John Crowne, with extracts from his prefaces and the earlier version of the epilogue to Sir Courtly Nice, 16t35. New York, Cambridge printed, 1922.
Card ID: 142