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Author: CROMWELL (Thomas)
CROMWELL (Thomas), Earl of Essex. C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henry VIII, written by Reginald role, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throokmortdn and Thomas Starkey, etc. London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 121
CROMWELL (Thomas), Earl of Essex. EISINGER (L.w.) Thomas Cromwell: em biographischer Versuch, etc. Mannheiin, 18Th.
Card ID: 122
CROMWELL (Thomas), Earl of Essex. See ENGLAND. [Miscellaneous Pub1c Documents, etc. Chronologiaal Series. - RenryVlfl A Photogra;ihic reproduction of the original royal injunctions issued under the authority of King Henry VIII., by his vlcegerent Thoias LorcI Cromwell, ordering that the Bible in English be set up in every Parish Church.. .1538. London, 1938.
Card ID: 124
DEPOSITORY CROMWELL (Thomas), Ph.D., F.S.A. The Soul and the future life...Tne philosophi argument. pp. xv. + 3O. 0 London, 189.
Card ID: 126