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CROFT George a:on george|k:0917 (2)
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CROFT, George
CROFT, Owen George scuasmore
Author: CROFT (George)
orteus Library 96 CROFT (George). A Plan of education de1ineaed and vindicated, to which êe addcd,.a letter to a young gentleman designed for...floly’ Orders and a short dissertation upon the.. .provision and.. .expectations of publicic teachers. pp. 68. 8°. Wo1verIp.ç, 1784. Presentation copy fromhe ai.jhor.
Card ID: 365
Author: CROFT (Owen George scuasmore)
t99e CR0 Cro CROFT (Owen George scuasmore). The House of Croft of Croft Castle. pp. (10) + 156. Portraits, plates1 facsimiles and genealogies], tables. 80. Hereford, 19149. -
Card ID: 381