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CRISPUS Caius a:on e|k:on (e) (7)
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CICERO, Marcus Tullius
IUS, Julivs
No Author available
Author: CRISPUS (Caius)
SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (Caius). [Suposititiou Works. — De re publica ordinanda. - Appendix.] EDMAR (B. E. D.) Studien zu den Epistulae ad Caesarem senern do re pub1ica [tt±ibuted to C. Sallustius Criepus.] etc. Lund, 1931.
Card ID: 541
Author: CICERO (Marcus Tullius)
CICERO (Marcus Tullius). [Supposititious Works. E’esponsio contra C.Sallustium CisJ. For the ‘tResponsio contra C.Sallustium Crispum” printed with the works of Sallust:] See S.AILUSTIU8 CRISPUS (Caius).
Card ID: 104
Author: IUS (Julivs)
EXSUFERANT IUS (Julivs). Caius Crispus Sallustius...Item Julius Ezsupera.ntius e codice non&wn explorato emendatus ourante J .I.Burnouf. Paris, 1821. See LEW.IRE (N.E.) Bibliotheca olasBica Latina, etc. Vol. 82
Card ID: 232
Author: No Author available
[E. X ti.. [cci (c.c U ELIOT-PHELps COLLECTION. GABRIEL ANTONIO LOF BOURBON), jfipa. See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (Caius). [Works. - LatLj and anis1. I Obras de Cayo SaJ.ustio Crispo. Traducidas por el Sefior Infante D. Gabriel. Nadrid, 18014.
Card ID: 150
(.-L .L. 1& .J .; SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (caiue). [Works.- English.] The Workes of Caius Crispus Sa].ustius. Contayning The conspiracie of Cateline, The warre of Iugurth, V. bookes of historicall fragments, II. orations to Caesar for the institution of a coonwea1thand one against Cicero. (The life of Salust1) [The translator’s dedicatory epistle signed: William croese.] pp. (12) + 692 [or rather, 6914.). [D.—L.L.J 12°. SoulcI by T.Walkle: [London], 1629. The enerai titlepa e Is en raved_2_Va&h. rThe warre of Iugurth’ and’1Historicall frments and oration& have separate titlepges. The numbers Lj55 and 56are duolfoated.
Card ID: 525
r3j coJc.hc: ‘- i: — SLLLIJSTIUS CRISPUS (Caius). [Works. — Latin.) C. Crispi Sallustii quae exfstant. Recognovit, varias lectiones e codicibus Basileensibus, Bernensibus, Turicensibus, Parisinis, Erlangensi, Tegernseensi, ceterisque quos Wassius, Havercampius, Cortius, aliique editores contulerunt, collectas, commentarios atque indices locupletissimos ad.iecit F. 0. Gerlach. 3 vols. in 1. 0 4 . Basle, 1823—31.
Card ID: 509
E - SALLtJSPIUS ciuspus (caus). [Works. - English.] Caius Crispus Sallustius, the historian, made English. To which are prefix’d the life and character of the author and his works, by J. Rowe. pp. (2) + . + 256. 8°. London, 1709. ‘“L. LlAS —The second edition, revised and corrected - throughout. pp. xxiv. + 250. [D.-L.L.J 12°. London, 1715.
Card ID: 523