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CRISP Stephen a:i i john|k:on (john) (3)
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CRISP, Stephen
Author: CRISP (Stephen)
f p CRISP (Stephen). A Memorable account of the ChrIstIan experIences, gospel labours, travels and sufferIngs of that ancIent servant of ChrIst, Stephen CrIsp, In hIs books and wrItIngs hereIn collected. [The preface sIgned: John FIeld.] pp.(32) + 543. 40• I,ondon, 1694. Bound In a volume lettered: Works of Stephen CrIsp.
Card ID: 161
POSIZ1OR CRISP (Stephen). Stevert,CrIsp and hIs correspondents, 1857I,92, beIng a synopsIs of the letters In the ‘CoIchester CollectIon’. EdIted, wIth notes and an IntroduotIon, by 0. Fell SmIth. pp. lIv. + 91. IllustratIons. 8°. London, 1892
Card ID: 162
CRISP (Stephen). See PARNEL (Jamee). A CollectIon of the several wrItIngs gIven forth from the spIrIt of the lord, through...Jarnes Parnel, .a• (S. CrIsp, hIs testImony concernIng J. Parnel, etc. ) [Londonj, 1675.
Card ID: 164