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CREW Albert a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (4)
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CREW, Albert
CREW, Prenois Albert Eley
CREW, Franeis Albert Eer
Author: CREW (Albert)
I bPOS1TORY CREW (Albert). The Conduct of and procedure at public and company meetings...Sixth edition, revised and. enlargcd. pp. xx. + 264. 80. London, 1920. For a later edition of this work: See CURIY (Thomas Peter Euieon). The Conduct of meetings, etc.
Card ID: 501
CREW (Albert). London prisons of today and yesterday: plain facts and coloured impressions. [With a bibliography.] pp. viii. + 268. 8°. London, 1933.
Card ID: 502
Author: CREW (Prenois Albert Eley)
DEPO8ITORY CREW (Prenois Albert Eley). An Introduction to the etudy of sex. (The Outline series.) pp. 160. Diagrams 8. London, 1932.
Card ID: 506
Author: CREW (Franeis Albert E1er)
ØEPOSITORY CREW (Franeis Albert E1er). Sex determjntion, £Yith abiblio€raphy.] (Methuen’s onoRrpbs on Bio1oioa1 Subjects.) pp. ix. + 0 8 . London, 1933.
Card ID: 507