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CRAIG John a:bury john|k:to (john) (4)
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CRAIG, si John
CRAIG, John Douglas
Author: CRAIG (John)
CRAIG (John), Prebendarv of Gi1jngha Maor in a1js bury Cathedral. De calculo fluentium libri duo. Quibus subj.uiuntur libri duo de optica analytica. pp. C.) + 92. Diagrams. LL.I.1 4°. London, 1718. fAnother copy.3 L.P.] IDe LI.]
Card ID: 529
• CRAIG (John), Prebendarv of Gllhim.ham Major in a±sbry Cathedral, Tractatus znatheniaticus de figuraruin curvilinearuin quacLraturis et locis geometricis. pp. (4) + 76. Folded plate. [De M1 40 London, 1693.
Card ID: 532
Author: CRAIG (si John)
CRAIG (si John), K.C.V. The Mint: a history of the London Mint from A.D.287 to 1948. [With a bibliography.] pp. xviii. + 449 Porra1ts plates nd table. 80. Cambridge, 1953.
Card ID: 536
Author: CRAIG (John Douglas)
CRAIG (John Douglas). Jovialis and te Cailiopian text of Terence. ndo 192?. See SAINT ANDREWS. University of St. Andrews. [Pubil112 —
Card ID: 539