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CRAIG, Hardin
Author: CRAIG (Hardin)
YBA Cra CRAIG (Hardin). A History of English literature [until 1914. By various authors.) H.Craig: general editor. pp. xiii, 697. Bibliography and endpaper map. 8°. 1ew York, 1950. A revised edition of this work is publishe(1 infive volumes. The five volumes are fully catalogued under their - various authors as below. 1. ANDERSON (George K.) Old and Kiddie English literature from the beginnings to 1485. 1962. 4vS 2. CRAIG (Ilardin). The Literature of the English SYF1 Renais2ance, i48-iiOo. io. CQ ISEE NEXT Card.)
Card ID: 516
Cr CRAIG (Hardin). Literary study and the scholarly profession. (Walker-Âmes Lecture.) pp. xiii. + 150. 8°, ptt3 19jJ+.
Card ID: 517
CRAIG (Hardin). See LONDON. LIii. Mieceilaneous Institutions, Societiee, — etc.) ]sr1y ii1ih Text Society. [Publications.] 87. Two Coventry Corpzs Christi Plays: 1. The Sheax’men and Taylors Pageant. Ro-edite0 from the edition of Thomas Sharp, 1825 and 2. The Weavers’ Pageant.. Re-edited from the manuscript of Robert Croo, 1534, with a plan of Coventrr and appendixes... by H’. Craig. London, 1902. [8EE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 522
CRAIG (Hardin). See SHAES?EARE (w.) [Hiniet.] The Tragedy of Hamlet: a critica1 edition of the second quarto, 1604, with introduction and textual notes [by) T.M.Parrott and H.Craig. Princeton and London, 1938.
Card ID: 525