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CRAGO Kenneth crago (kenneth) (3)



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    Author: CRAGO (Kenneth)


    PFc Cra CRAGO (Kenneth). The Privilege of man a theme in Judaism, Islam and Christianity. (Jordan Lectures in Comvarative 8. London, 1968.

    Card ID: 423

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    Author: CRAGO (Kenneth)


    PNBL Hus CRAGO (Kenneth). See HUSSEIN (Muhanriad Kernel). City of wrong: a Friday in Jerusalem. [The significance of Christ’s crucifixion from a Muslim viewpoint] Translated from the Arabic with an introduction by K.Cragg. 8°. New York, 1966.

    Card ID: 424

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    Author: No Author available


    3. LONDON. [III.J Univrsjty of I,ozidox. School of Oriental aiid AficanSudies.’ Jordan lectures in coniparative religioi. [Continued.) PF 8. CRAGO (Kenneth). The Privilege of man: a thenie in Judaism, Islam and Christianity. 1968 9. GONDA (Jan). Viniiism and iva.ism: a conparizon. 1970. erc_ 11. WERBLOWSKY (Raphael Jehudah Zwi). Beyond tradition and nodernity channg religions in a changing world. 1976. CSEk NEXT U. j

    Card ID: 473