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COX George William a:jones sir william|k:it (william) (7)
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COX, George William
GEORGE, Noah -Arthur William Cox—
Author: COX (George William)
DEP’SITORY COX (George William), calling himself George il1iam COX, Bart. The Athenian Empire.. .With. • .maps. !inth edition. (Epochs of Ancient History.) pp. xvii. + 247. 16°. London, 1897.
Card ID: 70
COX (George William), calling himself George William COX, Bart. The Crusades. kondon, 1911. See COLBECK (C.) Epochs of modern history; No. 3.
Card ID: 71
DEPOSITORY COX (George William), calling himself Sir George William CCX, Part. A History of Greece. VoJ.s. 1-2. Maps, 80. London, 1874. No more published.
Card ID: 72
DEPOSITORY COX (George William), Calling hirnse1 Sir George Williaui COX, Bart. The Mytholor of the Aryan nations. 2 vole. 80.London, 1870. —New edition. pp. xxviii. + 594. 8. London, 1903.
Card ID: 74
€s COX (George William), calling himself § Gorge William COX, Bart. MALLAflNE (Stephane). Les Dieuc antiques: nouveile mythologie d’apr?s George iil.Cox et les travaux de la science moderne . 1t.usage des 1yces, pensionnats, co1es et des gens du monde. Paris [Bruges printed], 1925.
Card ID: 76
OEPQ5gQy COX (George William), C-ailing himself Sir George’ William COX, art. and JONES (Eustace Hinton). Tales of the Teutonic lands. pp. xii. + 394. [LI.] 80. ionaon, 1872.
Card ID: 78
Author: GEORGE (Noah -Arthur William Cox—)
eL t41 George (Noah -Arthur William Cox—). V The EconomIe turiotiorzsof the state...Being a chapter in his forthcoming book Outline of public finance. V pp. 12. 8. [Freetown printed, 1952).