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COVERDALE Miles a:p will|k:p (will) (4)
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Author: COVERDALE (Miles)
Ps7’ c’i COVERDALE (Miles), iswD of Exetêr. [Collections.] Writings and translations of Myles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter, containing The old faith, A spiritual and most precious pearl, Fruitful lessons, A treatise on the Lor Supper, Order of the Church in Denmark, Abridgment of the Enchiridion of Erasmus. Edited for the Parker Society by G.Pearson. pp. xi. + 544. 1JJ.I.j 8°. Cambridge. 1844.
Card ID: 73
P$i sm COVERDALE (Miles), Sishop of Exeter. [Appendix.] Memorials of the Right’Reverend Father in God, Myles Coverdale, sometime Lord Bishop of Exeter, who first translated the whole Bible intci Eng1ish.Together with divers matters rdiating to the pro-inulgation of theBibie in the reignof - Henry the Eighth. ppt’ix. + 260. Portrait. 8°. London, 1838.
Card ID: 75
COVERDALE (Miles), Bishop of Exeter. (For editions of the New Testament translated Into ng1ish by Coverdale i] See BIBLE. New Testament. [EngLish.]
Card ID: 77
COVERDALE (Miles), Bishop of Exeter. See WICLIF (.) WickJ.ieffes Wicket, faythfully overseene and corrected after the original), and first copie, with an epistle to the reader, by My1es (Coverda1e, . London, 1851.
Card ID: 82