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CORNISH Charles John to (john) (2)
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CORNISH, Charles John
PROBT, John Charles Cripps
Author: CORNISH (Charles John)
CORNISH (Charles John). - The Isle of Wight. (The PortfolioMoogrgths on Artistic Sublects, 19.) pp. 79. P1ats, il1ustrationsánd map. LP.M.L.J 8°. London and. New York, 1895.
Card ID: 290
Author: PROBT (John Charles Cripps)
PTQ3 eih Pro PROBT (John Charles Cripps). The Sociology of Cornish Methodism to the present dey. Including an enlarged and revised version of ‘An introduction to the sociology of Corn.ish Methodism: the formative years’. (Cornish Metiodist Historical Association. Occasional Publications, 17.) pp. 80. Charts. [Redruth], 1971.
Card ID: 11