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COPINGER Walter Arthur a:a walter|k:a (walter) (5)
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COPINGER, Walter Arthur
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Author: COPINGER (Walter Arthur)
COPINGER (Walter Arthur). History of the parish of Buxhall in the county of Suffolk. With...il1ustratons and a... map, fl2• pp. viii. + 320. 0 4 . London, 1902.
Card ID: 56
is3 OI&2ç\ COPINGER (Walter Arthur). Haid—list of a collection of Bibles, New Testaments and parts thereof, etc. [By W.A.Copinger.] [Manchest?] privately printed, 1899—1900. BIBLE. [Appendix. L JIiscellaneous.]
Card ID: 54
COPINGER (Walter Arthur). Randljst of a collection of incunabula illustrating the progress arid developnient of the art of printing prior to the year 1500, by specimens from over three hundred different presses. (By W.A.Copinger.1 [Manchester?) privately printed, 1898. HANDLIST.
Card ID: 55
COPINGER (Walter Arthur). Bibliographiana. Edited by W.A.Copinger. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] oqc 1. LELAND (John), the Antiquary. The Laboryonse journey & serche of John Loylande, for Englandes antiQuitees euen of hym ac a Newe Years yfte to Kynge Henry the viii...witb declaracyons enlarged 1)y Johan Bale, etc. 1895. [s3 g ‘Z4 CCr,s,v-j 2. COPINGER (Walter Arthur). On the authorship of the first hundred numbers of the ‘Edinburgh Review’. I 89 [ OI2 3. COPINGER (Waite . On the glish translat— ions of the i ‘Irnitatio Christi. 19004
Card ID: 53
Author: No Author available
[] D 2.34. rtf-] COPINGER (Walter Arthur). A Treatise on pred.estination, election, arid grace: historical, doctrinal, and practical. To which is added a bibliography of the subject. pp. xii. + 465 + (5) + ccxxxv. 80 Londo, 1889.
Card ID: 60